M. Brian Blake, PhD
M(dot)Brian(dot)Blake(at)miami(dot)eduResearch Group: Web-Scale Workflow and Analytics Group
Short Biography
As a researcher, Dr. Blake has published over 160 papers in the general areas of internet computing and software systems engineering (Google Scholar Citations). He has mentored over 14 postdoctoral fellows and graduate students.
As an administrator, since 2007, Dr. Blake has served in the roles of department chair, associate dean for research, dean, and vice provost and now Provost at Drexel University.
Professional Service and Recent Awards
2015-2017, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Internet Computing
2014-present, Editor-in-Chief, Springer Book Series, Web-Scale Workflow and Analytics
2013, 50 Most Powerful Black Executives in South Florida
2012, St. Albert the Great Lecturer, Providence College
2010, ACM Distinguished Scientist
Web-Scale Workflow and Analytics Group (Web-Swag)

Our work establishes new software engineering processes & paradigms to automate interorganizational IT systems.

We investigate, design, and deploy new techniques and innovative applications of software-as-a-service.
Recent Papers
Wei, Y. and Blake, M.B. “Proactive Virtualized Resource Management and Provisioning for Service Workflows in the Cloud” , Computing, Springer Press (to appear)
Huang, G., Ma, Y., Liu, X., Lu, X., Luo, Y., and Blake, M.B., “Assisting Navigation and Complementary Composition of Complex Service Mashups”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (to appear)
Blake, M.B., Saleh, I., Wei, Y Schlesinger, I., Yale, Loehr, A.,and Liu, X. “Shared Service Recommendations from Requirement Specifications: A Hybrid Syntactic and Semantic Toolkit”, Information and Software Technology, Elsevier Press (to appear)
Tan, W., Blake, M.B., Saleh, I., Dustdar, S. “Social-Network-Sourced Big Data Analytics”, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 62-69, Sept/Oct 2013 (Top 100 Most Downloaded in IEEE Xplore (#55 Oct 2013, #52 Nov 2013), Featured in Computing Now and IEEE STC on Social Networking)