CSC517-D: Algorithms

Prof. B. Rosenberg


This course is about the design and analysis of computer algorithms. We present mathematical techniques to analyze the efficiency of algorithms, and discuss the practical relevance of the results. Fundamental algorithms are presented and analyzed. When possible, unifying concepts in their development are emphasized.

Class Text

Introduction to Algorithms 2nd edition, by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein. Grading There will be a midterm and final, counting for 30% and 40% of the grade, respectively, and weekly homeworks counting for 30% of the grade. Most of the work will be on paper, with a possible programming assignment.


Students are encouraged but not required to take the practicum. The practicum is an opportunity for you to experiment and improve your programming skills. Grading on the practicum is much more relative to how conscientiously you pursue improvement of your skills. You should discuss with your grader your work that we might access what your improvement goals are and whether you are reaching them.