WiFi Basics

Burton Rosenberg
Last Revised: Feb 2006

Executive Summary

WiFi is the marketing name for the 802.11-b variant of the IEEE standard 802.11. 802.11 is a wireless data communication protocol standard covering both the Physical and Datalink networking leves (levels 1 and 2), with the letter giving variants, especially in the Physical layer. At the time of writing, a new variant, 802.11-g is widely deployed. It differs from the -b varient in the Physical layer, giving higher transmission rates. I'm not sure if WiFi will refer to this variant as well. In these notes I will say WiFi to avoid starting a sentences with a number.

The 802.11 specifications cover many Datalink variations: either be Infrastructure, using Access Points and briding across to other technologies, or Ad Hoc, where hosts discover each other and can talk if they are nearby. The contention for the channel (the radio frequency) can be either distributed using the Distributed Coordination Function, DCF, or centralized using the Point Coordination Function PCF. To support wide integation of WiFi into existing network infrastructure, it is designed to be, as much as possible, ethernet in the air, at least when used in the Infrastructure mode, and using the distributed contention model of DCF.

There are two problems that make wireless different then wired.

These problems demand that a DCF WiFI be a CSMA/CA network (Collision Avoidance) rather than a CSMA/CD network (Collision Detect). The result are the following protocol elements,

As for PCF, it is a polling, token-ring type communcation system. It isn't used for the most popular WiFi configuration.

Physical Characteristics

802.11 defines many Level 1 variants. 802.11g is the new, high-speed Level 1 standard, versus 802.11b, the first generation WiFi. The radio frequency band is around 3 Gigahertz, same as a microwave oven. As you can see in your WiFi setup, there are channels within the band. These channels overlap so that at most 3 channels can be in use at the same time.

The allocated frequence band for -b is 2.415 GHz up to 2.484 GHz in 14 bands of 5 MHz each. Spread Spectrum communication is used, called DS for Direct Sequence, where the signal is modulated with a 11 bit Barker sequence, a pseudo random noise, to spread the information over a 22 MHz range (with additional signal outside the range being partially suppressed). Therefore, only every 5-th channel is usable, in order to separate WiFi transmissions. For example, in a single location, use only channels 1, 6 and 11, else there will be interference.

FYI Complementary Code Keying (CCK) encodes the bits, and the bits are impressed on the carrier using a phase shifting technology called orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). The result is communication in the range of 6 up to 54 Mbps, depending on sunspots and the like.

Network topologies, bridging

A group of corresponding stations is called a BSS (Basic Service Set). The BSS can be organized in several ways.

We will skip ad hoc and concentrate on Infrastructure.

Since this is ethernet on the air, each transmitter/receiver has a 48 bit MAC consistent with the ethernet address. That is, same address space, OUI's, and so on. An AP is a bridge between wired and unwired ethernet, so it has two interfaces. As the leader of a BSS, it gives names the BSS by the ethernet address of its air interface. This is called the BSSID.

An ESS is given a name, called the SSID (Service Set ID). This is the thing you type into your network configuration to join a WiFi network.

A packet on the air will have three addresses, source, destination and BSSID (access point address, essentially). The AP takes traffic it receives off the air that has its address and drops it onto its wired interface, eliting its own address. That is, on the wired side, only the source and destination addresses are seen. The address of the AP is not used, either its wired or unwired addresses.

When an AP sends a packet into the air, it uses the source and destination address of the packet it is bridging as found, and adds its own wireless address as the BSSID. A wired station sending to a wireless station uses the wireless stations's ethernet address just as if it were a wired station. The AP picks the packet off the wire, carries it across to its wireless interface, inserting its wireless address as the extra, third address, and sends it out to the destination.

Association and so on


Basic Service Set. A bunch of machines forming a cell.
Extended Service Set. Using WiFi beyond a BSS, gluing together several BSS
A 48 bit identifier for a BSS. If an infrastructure BSS, it is the MAC of the 802.11 side of the Acess Point. Else the local bit is set and a 48-bit identifier is randomly selected.
Service set Identifier. An character string identifier for a ESS.
Network Access Vector. A time slot reservation, in microseconds.
Request To Send, Clear To Send. Reservation mechanism. Source,

Quick description

  1. WiFi is standard 802.11, with various letters added. The standard includes a large number of physical variants.
  2. The link levels can either be an Independent BSS (IBSS) or an infrastructure BSS. An infra. BSS can be contention based or coordinated (Point Coordination Function).
  3. Infrastructure BSS uses AP (access points) and a distribution medium, e.g. ethernet (802.2), either the AP acting as bridges. In a simple example, the packet has three addresses, the two "transparent" endpoints and the BBSID, which is the way-point for the packet between air and wire.
  4. In an infra. BSS, the AP either Beacons or responds to a probe from a node. An association (after possible authentication) occurs, so that traffic from the host is bridged onto the distribution by the AP.
  5. Gratuitous ARPs open up switches to L2 forward traffic to associated AP.
  6. There are mobility issues, which are not part of the standard.
  7. It is a positive acknowledge system. Each packet is positively acknowledge (an ACK packet) before the next packet is sent.
  8. Packets carry NAV's which hold the channel clear for the time stated in the NAV.
  9. RTS/CTS pair with NAV covering up to the end of the ACK of the data packet are exchanged. The ACK has a NAV of 0.
  10. There are not NACKs.