Homework Assignment 3 Solutions

  1. Write the program CountUp.C which prompts for an integer called bingo and prints on separate lines the integers 1 through bingo in sequence, and then prints "Bingo!".

  2. Write the program BoxOfStars.C which prompts for two integers called starCount and lineSize and prints starCount asterisks (*) on several lines if necessary, so that each line has at most lineSize asterisks on it.

  3. Write the program TriangleOfStars.C which prompts for the integer called baseSize and prints asterisks (*) baseSize on the first line, baseSize-1 on the second line, and so on, until one asterisk on the baseSize-th line.

  4. Write the program Euclidean.C which accepts two integers called i and j and finds the greatest common divisor of the two.