Learn C

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: nov 2017
Project 7

This project is an introduction to C, unix and make.

1- Log into your rosecrans account. Open a terminal window in OSX, or install Cygwin
   on Windows and open a cygwin window, and log into rosecrans:
   ssh _username_@rosecrans.cs.miami.edu
   You will be prompted for yoru password. Use your username and password for your 
   subversion account.
2- Make a directory and checkout your subversion repository. Once loged in, 

   mkdir svn
   cd svn
   svn co --username _username_ svn://svn.cs.miami.edu/classes/mth649.181 myrepo.svn
   you will be prompted for your password. Use your username and password for your 
   subversion account.
3- Make a proj7 directory and copy class/proj7 files into it.

   cd svn/myrepo.svn/_username_
   mkdir proj7
   cd proj7
   cp ../../class/proj7/* .
   cd ..
   svn add proj7
   svn commit -m "initial commit of project 7"
4- Use nano, vi or emacs to edit the files and complete the project. To use nano to 
   edit the file _filename_, 
   nano _filename_
   and follow the prompts to save and edit after editing. Vi and emacs are more
   advanced editors and are not needed for this project.
5- Use more to read the makefile. Using "more Makefile" you can read the makefile,
   and see it consists of a series of "targets" including a target called "test".
   The command "make test" will run that target and test your project.
   Make test should run without errors for basic testing of your code. Grading
   will take into account make test and also extended tests to more fully test
   your code.
6- Submit your project 7 by the due date.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 1 nov 2017
update: 1 nov 2017