Process Management
Last modified Monday, 27-Sep-2004 19:40:39 UTC.
- Processes
- Process concept
- The process (SGG Ch.4.1.1)
- Process state (SGG Ch.4.1.2)
- Process control block (SGG Ch.4.1.3)
- Scheduling queues (SGG Ch.4.2.1)
- Process creation (SGG Ch.4.3.1-10)
- Context switch (SGG Ch.4.2.3, SGG Ch.6.1.4)
- Process termination (SGG Ch.4.3.2)
- System calls for process management (SGG Ch.3.3.1)
- Students to read, while we do an example = UNIX
- UNIX processes
- Threads
- Thread structure (SGG Ch.5.1)
- Thread implementation (SGG Ch.5.1.3, 5.2)
- Thread examples (SGG Ch.5.4-8)
- Scheduling
- Schedulers (SGG Ch.4.2)
- Basic concepts
- CPU-IO burst cycle (SGG Ch.6.1.1)
- The CPU scheduler (SGG Ch.6.1.2)
- Scheduling criteria (SGG Ch.6.2)
- Scheduling algorithms (SGG Ch.5.3)
- First come first served (SGG Ch.6.3.1)
- Shortest next CPU burst first (SGG Ch.6.3.2)
- Non-preemptive
- Preemptive
- Predicting CPU bursts
- Priority scheduling (SGG Ch.6.3.3)
- Non-preemptive
- Preemptive
- Round-robin scheduling (SGG Ch.6.3.4)
- Multilevel scheduling
- Multilevel queue scheduling
(SGG Ch.6.3.5)
- Multilevel feedback queue scheduling
(SGG Ch.6.3.6)
- Multi-processor scheduling (SGG Ch.6.4)
- UNIX scheduling
- Interprocess Communication
- Cooperating processes (SGG Ch.4.4)
- Shared memory
- The producer-consumer problem (SGG Ch.4.4)
- Message passing
- Basic structure (SGG Ch.4.5.1)
- Direct and indirect IPC (SGG Ch.4.5.2)
- Synchronization (SGG Ch.4.5.3)
- Buffering (SGG Ch.4.5.4)
- Exception conditions
- Sender terminates: System notifies or terminates receiver
- Receiver terminates
- With buffering, no action. Sender can program for ack.
- Without buffering, system notifies or terminates
- Lost message
- Some protocols expect unreliability
- OS or sender detects and resends, or OS detects and
notifies sender
- Timeouts, resends, and multiple copies
- Scrambled messages treated as lost
- Synchronization
and deadlocks
- The critical section problem
- Shared data (SGG Ch.6.1,2-3)
- Critical sections (SGG Ch.6.2-6)
- Solutions
- Two process software solutions (SGG Ch.6.2.1-10)
- Multiple process software solution (SGG Ch.6.2.2-13)
- Hardware solutions (SGG Ch.6.3-15)
- Semaphores
and signal
(SGG Ch.6.4,
Slide 6.16)
- Uses (SGG Ch.6.4.1,20)
- Implementation with binary semaphores (SGG Ch.6.4.4)
while Test-and-Set(S);
for a binary semaphore, and
implements signal
- Binary semaphoes and a variable can implement a general
semaphore (Slide 6.23-24)
- Implementation with blocking (SGG Ch.6.4.2)
- Busy waiting (also called a spinlock)
is wasteful of CPU, especially as application software
may wait on a semaphore for a "long" time.
(On the otherhand busy waiting does not require a context
- The solution is for processes to block while
waiting, by moving onto a waiting list and changing status
to "waiting".
When the critical section becomes available, the process
can be moved back to the ready queue, and wakeup.
(Slide 6.18-19)
- The
and signal
codes are
short critical sections, protected by a busy waiting lock
- Classical problems of synchronisation
- Bounded buffer (SGG Ch.6.5.1-28)
- Readers and writers (SGG Ch.6.5.2-30)
- Dining philosophers (SGG Ch.6.5.3-32,
Slide Extra)
- UNIX synchronisation (SGG Ch.21.5.2)
- Preventing semaphore coding mistakes
- Critical regions (SGG Ch.6.6-37)
- Monitors (SGG Ch.6.7-43)
- Deadlocks
- What is it? (SGG Ch.6.4.3, Ch.7.1)
- Deadlock characterization (SGG Ch.7.2-10)
- Deadlock prevention (SGG Ch.7.3-13)
- Deadlock detection (SGG Ch.7.6-31)
- Deadlock recovery (SGG Ch.7.7)
Exam Style Questions
- Differentiate between a process and a program.
- Draw a diagram showing the five standard states of a process, showing
how these are related and indicating what events cause a transition
from one state to another.
- Name six items of information that are stored in a process control
- What are the ready queue and IO device queues used for?
- What is a context switch?
- What three steps does the dispatcher perform when swapping a new
process onto the CPU?
- Define dispatch latency.
- What is "cascading process termination"?
- What are the three components of a thread? What does a thread share with
other threads in the process?
- What is the main advantage of using threads over multiple processes?
- What is the difference between user level threads and kernel
supported threads?
- What do the long-term and the short-term schedulers do in an OS?
- Describe what is meant by CPU-bound and IO-bound processes. What are
the characteristics of their CPU bursts?
- What is the task of the CPU scheduler, and what is its primary goal?
- List the four situations when a CPU scheduling decision has to be made.
- Explain the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive CPU
- List five criteria by which CPU scheduling may be judged, indicating
in each case whether the aim should be to minimize or maximize the
- Explain what is meant by {CPU utlization,throughtput,turn around time,
waiting time,response time} in the context of CPU scheduling.
- Given the following list of process arrival, process priority, and
CPU burst times, draw
a Gantt chart (showing which process is using the CPU at what times)
for the {FCFS,SJF-preemptive,SJF-nonpreemptive,priority-preemptive,
priority-nonpreemptive,round robin (quantum = N),} CPU scheduling algorithm.
In each case compute the average waiting time for the processes.
[Make up your own examples]
- Which CPU scheduling algorithm suffers from the convoy effect?
- Using exponential averaging with A% history factor (alpha) and an
initial estimated CPU bust of I microseconds, to predict the CPU
burst times ahead of the following sequence of observed CPU burst
[Make up your own observed CPU burst times]
- What problem may priority scheduling suffer from?
- What problem may fixed priority multi-level scheduling suffer from?
- What factors parameterize multi-level feedback queue CPU scheduling?
- Differentiate between hard real-time and soft real-time CPU scheduling.
- What four advatnages may be achieved by allowing processes to cooperate?
- Provide an algorithm for the producer-consumer problem, using shared
memory. You may leave one buffer position empty or use explicit
- What are the two basic operations in message passing?
- Explain the difference between {direct and indirect, symmetric and
asymmetric, buffered and unbuffered, pass by copy and pass by
reference, fixed and variable message size, synchronous and
asynchronous} message passing.
- Differentiate between simplex, duplex, and full-duplex IPC.
- In direct message passing IPC, how many processes can be associated
with each link?
- In indirect communication, where are messages directed to and
received from?
- What is the relationship between buffering and synchroneity in IPC?
- Explain how timestamps can be used to cope with lost messages in IPC.
- Describe what is meant by a "race condition", and explain how one may
cause a critical section problem.
- Define the critical section problem.
- What three conditions must be met by a solution to the critical section
- Explain the {mutual exclusion,progress,bounded waiting} condition
for a solution to the critical section problem.
- Explain why the following algorithm, when executed concueently by
processes P1 ... PN, does not solve the
critical section problem.
[Some half-baked algorithm]
- Give an algorithm that provides a software solution to the critical
section algorithm for two processes.
- How many processes may be run concurrently using the Bakery algorithm,
while meeting the conditions for a solution to the critical section
- Give two reasons why disabling interrupts is an unsatisfactory hardware
solution to the critical section problem.
- Give the algorithm for the Test-and-Set instruction used for
solving the critical section problem.
- The following algorithm uses the Test-and-Set instruction to (attempt
to) solve the critical section problem. Does the algorithm meet
the requirements for a solution? If not, explain.
[One of the algorithms using Test-and-Set]
- Give the algorithm for the Swap instruction used for
solving the critical section problem.
- Define the two operations defined on a process synchronization semaphore.
- Differentiate between a binary and a counting semaphore.
- Give an algorithm using a binary semaphore, that can be executed
concurrently by multiple processes, that solves the critical section
- Give an algorithm showing how a counting semaphore may be used to
control access to a limited number of a given resource, e.g., a limited
number of printers.
- Give an algorithm showing how a semaphore may be used to synchronize
two processes.
- Show how a binary semaphore can be implemented using the
{Test-and-Set,Swap} instruction.
- Show how a counting semaphore may be implemented using binary semaphores
and an integer variable.
- Show how a counting semaphore may be implemented using the
{Test-and-Set,Swap} instruction and an integer variable.
What critical weakness does such an implementation have?
- Show how a counting semaphore can be implemented using binary semaphores
and an integer variable, without incurring any long busy-wait conditions.
- Briefly describe the {bounded buffer,readers and writers,dining
philosophers} problem, often used to test synchronization primitives.
- What is the format of critical region statement? Under what conditions
does a process successfully enter a critical region statement?
- Do critical region statement eliminate all types of synchronization
- Draw a picture showing the structure of a monitor. Annotate your
picture to briefly explain what each component does.
- How many processes may be active in a monitor that contains N procedures?
- What happens when a condition variable in a monitor is signalled, if
there are some processes waiting on the condition variable?
- What is the deadlock problem?
- What four conditions must hold for a deadlock to occur?
- Explain the {mutual exclusion,hold and wait,no preemption,circular wait}
condition for deadlock to occur.
- Given the following resource allocation graph, is there necessarily
a deadlock?
[Some resource allocation graph]
- What is the most common approach to deadlocks taken by contemporary
operating systems?
- Explain two ways the hold and wait condition for deadlock can be
prevented from arising.
- Explain how the circular wait condition for deadlock can be
prevented from arising.
- Given the following initial resource allocation and availability,
determine whether or not deadlock will necessarily occur? Show
all steps of your working.
[Some initial allocation and availability]
- What are two possible actions an OS may take when a deadlock is detected?