For the latest assigment, go to the the CSC220 discussion forum on Blackboard. If you have a question about a lecture or assignment, hit REPLY and ask. Feel free to help someone else if we don't get there first. The first student who provides a correct answer receives credit for one missed quiz question.
For an appointment or a personal matter send email to If you will have to or have missed class, please let me know so I can keep you up to date.
On your home computer or laptop, go to this page to download IntelliJ IDEA Edu for your computer and operating system. You may also need the developer edition of Java. (Try using IntelliJ first to find out.) Download JDK and its documentation from this page.
Windows should already have the OneDrive app installed. Log into your UM OneDrive cloud folder
Mac has OneDrive in the app store.
Your phone has OneDrive in the app store
Download a free supplementary textbook. Another, more advanced, textbook you might find helpful. Here is some Java Documentation and a Java Tutorial.