Home Page for Harold (Hal) Sean Milenkovic

Pictures of Hal at 5 DAYS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 5 WEEKS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 2 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 3 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 4 MONTHS OLD with some Disney pals
Pictures of Hal at 5 MONTHS OLD
It's HALloween at AMANDA'S PLACE
Pictures of Hal at 6 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal Visiting Wisconsin in December 1996.
Pictures of Hal at 9 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 11 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal and Aunt Lynne and Uncle Brad
Pictures of Hal at 1 YEAR OLD
Pictures of Hal at 13 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal in the French Riviera - June 1997
Pictures of Hal at 14 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 15 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 16 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 17 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 18 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 20/21 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 22/23 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 24/25 MONTHS OLD
An Original Drawing by Hal at 14 MONTHS OLD
An Original Drawing by Hal at 17 MONTHS OLD
An Original Drawing by Hal at 25 MONTHS OLD
Pictures of Hal at 3 years 4 Months - Sept 1999
Pictures of Hal and his new baby cousin KYLE Feb. 4, 2000

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Read Hal's Guest Book

Send mail to Hal's Mom at lvm@worldnet.att.net
Send mail to Hal's Dad at vjm@cs.miami.edu
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