Math 120 Assignment: Life

Extended deadlines for this assignment
Part a: Out:  2 November, 2000
        Due: 14 November, 2000
Part b: Out:  9 November, 2000
        Due: 21 November, 2000

Solution to part a

Read the background material on Life to understand the rules of the game. This project is due in two weeks, with the first half due in one week, and the remainder due at the end of the second week.

  1. Part a is to make the playing field so that mouse clicks will invert cells from living to dead, and perhaps to set up the buttons. At the completion of the first half, your applet will be similar to the example applet below, except that nothing happens in response to "Go" and "Stop" commands.
  2. Part b is to implement the generation-to-generation update, that is, the "Go" and "Stop" commands. There will be some need for thread programming in order to do this. Threads are an advanced programming topic, so that we will supply the code for this.

Make a life applet similar to the following: