Csc 220: Computer Programming II

Prof. Burt Rosenberg              Csc220: 021
Ungar 523                         Section T: TR 5:00-6:15 PM                 MM 214
                                  3 credits, lab, no W credit


This is a second course in computer programming with emphasis on the major algorithms and data structures encountered in practice.

There are two goals for this course: algorithms and programming. There will be two course texts, reflecting the dual nature of the course. We will study algorithms from Algorithms in Java by Robert Sedgewick. A summary of this portion of the course follows:

Programming technologies are advancing rapidly. Over the year, Pascal, C and C++ have been used in this course. Currently, our introductory programming sequence is in Java. The text Learning Java by Patrick Niemeyer and Jonathan Knudsen will introduce both the Java language and the conceptual framework of objects in a desktop world, including:

Required Textbooks

Suggested Textbooks

The lab meets in room Ungar 426. We run a network of Linux workstations with several development environments. You should have a computer of your own and download the free JBuilder 5 Personal Integrated Development Environment. It's for free, but you must register.

To access the lab remotely, use Secure Shell to ssh to For Microsoft users, download the software and double click to install. This ssh also has an integrated Secure FTP based on a nice, drag-and-drop, GUI interface. Use this sftp to transfer files when remote. Linux or FreeBSD users have ssh and sftp as part of the standard distribution.

A grading policy will be posted. The intent is that lab work, actual writing of programs, is very, very important. Tests will verify that each student achieves the necessary programming skills.

Last Update: 28 Aug 2001