Homework Policy

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Homework submission
Submit your homework by placing it in the appropriate subdirectory of your home directory of your class account. The name of the directory is the name of the assignment, typically the Problem Number given in the book. For instance, when assigned problem C-2.3 from the book (page 94) leave your work in the directory submit/C-2.3.

If your submit directory has not been created, do:

lee> cd
lee> mkdir submit
Then make the C-2.3 subdirectory:
lee> cd
lee> cd submit
lee> mkdir C-2.3

Homeworks are to be submitted at midnight of the due date. By midnight I mean, effectively, 11:59 PM of the due date.

Use the secure shell sftp to transfer your work if you do the development on your own computer. Else you can copy or move your work into the submit folder when done. Note that regular ftp will not cross our firewall, use the secure shell sftp. For unix users (linux and relatives) this means using the sftp command line tool.