e-submit, e-unpack

Use the shell script e-submit to submit your homework. The easiest way to get it is to copy them from csc322 bin directory:

   cp ~csc322/bin/e-submit ~/bin
Always use the latest version. I will try to keep copies of the latest version here:

Working from your class account.

  1. Work on from your class account on lee or on a lab computer.
  2. Put together all the work you want to submit for your homework in a single directory. Give the directory an appropriate name, like hw4, or something like that.
  3. From the parent directory of hw4, or whatever you decide to call it, do:
       e-submit hw4
  4. Check to see if you get an auto-respond email confirming submission.
What is does.

The script will tar the hw4 directory, compress and uuencode the archive, and mail it to the class account with a specially formatted subject line. The subject line should cause the csc322 account to send you back a reply email automatically.

Working remotely.

If you have a machine which can send and receive mail, then you can use e-submit just as above except you will have to supply your csc322 account name, so that the subject line of the submission can be properly formed. Do:

   e-submit -u abcd322 hw4
Use your username instead of abcd322. You will get an email confirming the submission to the address from which you sent the homework.

Creating the .tar.uu file.

If you have trouble with sending mail, for some reason, or if your computer doesn't have a valid return address, this won't be optimal. You will need to tar, compress and uuencode your submission into a file and then mail the file yourself. Create the uuencoded file using the -M option (m for mail, M meaning don't do it!)

    e-submit -Mu abcd322 hw4

Sending the .tar.uu file.

If you transfer the .tar.uu file to lee, you can email it using the e-submit program, no problem.

    e-submit hw4.tar.uu
The e-submit program understands that the file is already a tar-uuencoded archive and just sends it. You can transfer the file to lee using sftp. If you have ssh you probably have sftp.

You can email the .tar.uu file using you favorite mail client or web-based email, using attachments. Send it to,

However: The recommended format it,
    csc322 submit abcd322:hw4
Using your username and file name like this will help you identify the autoresponse message.

Burton Rosenberg
Last udate: Sat Feb 5 16:44:11 EST 2005