Getting There

Submit homework by sending email to You must have CSC322 homework in the subject line. You must tar and uu-encode your stuff so it won't get messed up.

There are several ways to access the Unix environment needed for thsi course,

  1. In person in the lab. Got to Ungar room 426 and use any of the workstations in that room. They are a network of Linux machines. You get a graphical environment. Your account is on a central machine, named Lee. The networking of the machines should make this transparent. Your files are available to you, and all applications as well, equally on any machine in the lab.
  2. Log in remotely to the lab. In fact, you will log onto the main server,, in the lab. You will need to use ssh to log in. You will use an ssh client on your computer to do this. You can use any computer. Ssh is a standard protocol.
  3. If you have a microsoft machine, you can work locally on your machine if you have a Unix emulation environment. Use Cygwin. It is free and easy to install.
  4. If you have a modern Apple, running OS X, you already have the Unix environment. Open up a terminal window and go to work.
  5. If you have a Linux machine, obviously you have the Unix environment