Homework 1

  1. Change your password. Did the system complain about it being a weak password? What passwords are weak?
  2. What are your uid and gid on the lab computers? How did you find this out? Name two ways to find your uid. Do you expect it to be the same on all computers in the lab? How do we maintain consistent uid's and gid's accross all computers in the lab?
  3. What are the disk devices on lee and on a lab computer? Where are they mounted? That is, how is the file system constructed? Is this consistent with what you see in /etc/fstab?
  4. What are the suid programs in /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin? What command line did you use to find them? (Try to do this with a pipe through grep, or perhaps using some nifty option in ls)
  5. What are the permissions on your home directory? Can you change the permissions on your home directory? Why or why not? In generaly, what gives you permission to change permissions?
  6. Write a shell script that operates as indicated by the following stuff:
        [burt@lee ~/bin]$ bio.sh
        My name is: burt
        My UID is: 542
        My Homedirectoy is: /home/graph/burt
        Don't forget to rehash!
        [burt@lee ~/bin]$ 
    Place it in ~/bin so you can use at always. And don't forget to rehash!