Review for Final

  1. C Language
    1. while, for, subroutines
    2. command line arguments (argv)
    3. types and literals:
      1. integer literals, base 10, 8 (octal) and 16 (hex)
      2. char literals
      3. string literals
    4. array types
    5. structures, structure tags
    6. pointers
      1. pointers to int, char, strings
      2. arrays and pointers
      3. arrays of pointers
      4. struct to pointer-to-struct operators (&)
      5. pointer-to-struct to field value operator (->)
      6. malloc and free
      7. sizeof()
    7. Unix tools
      1. Make
      2. gdb
    8. File systems
      1. File descriptors
      2. Descriptors 0, 1 and 2: stdin, stdout and stdoerr.
      3. Stat structure
      4. working with directories
      5. permissions, chmod, and so on
      6. Open, open exclusive, closing
    9. Processes
      1. Fork
      2. Exec
      3. wait
    10. Sockets
    11. IPC
      1. signals, pointers to functions
      2. shared memory
      3. semaphores