Math 517: Introduction to Algorithms

Prof. Burt Rosenberg              Mth517-012
Ungar 523                         Section R, TR 1:40-2:55                 MM 201
                                  3 credits
Office Hours:
3:30-4:30 TW
Ungar 523

Grader Hours:
Wei Zhou 
6:30-9:00 PM Thursday, 
Ungar 426 (Indy Lab)

An introduction to computer algorithms and the models and methods to analyze their performance.

Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.

Referring to the text's table of contents, we shall cover chapters 1-18, 23-27, with additional topics from chapters 34, 36 and 37, time permitting.

These chapters include: mathematical preliminaries such as sovling recurrence relations and discrete probability; sorting and order statistics; elementary data structures such as hashing, binary trees and red-black trees; dynamic programming; greedy algoirthms; graph searching, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths and maximum flow; string matching; NP-completeness and approximation algorithms for intractible problems.

There will be a midterm and final, counting for 30% and 40% of the grade, respectively, and weekly homeworks counting for 30% of the grade. Most of the work will be on paper, with a possible programming assignment.

Extra Reading:
I also recommend Sedgewick's Algorithms in C and Alan Weiss's Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis.