
Prove the big-Oh equations, showing graphs of the proof ideas, and exact values for c and x0, or using the limit.

  1. Show x = O(x+7) and x+7 = O(x).
  2. Show 3x+2 = O(x).
  3. Show 0 = O(1) but 1 is not O(0).
  4. Show x2 = O(2x) but 2x is not O(x2).
    Hint: Two things you might try. First, put everything in the exponent by writing x as 2log x.
    Second, did you ever notice that exponentiation is really respectful of size? That is x ≤ y exactly when 2x ≤ 2y.
  5. Show 2x = O(3x) but 3x is not O(2x).
  6. Show x2 = O(x3) but x3 is not O(x2). show x2 + 10 x + 100 = O(x3).
    Hint: This might be easy to show without any hints. But if not, think about which x make x2 ≥ 10 x, and what x make x2 ≥ 100. And then what x make the messy sum thus less than 3 x2. And who cares about that anyway?
  7. Show an = O(n!) for all a ≥1, but n! is not O(an) for any a.
    For this problem, n is restricted to integers.
  8. Suppose you have three functions, f, g, and h, and f is bigger than both: g = O(f) and h = O(f). Show (prove) that f is bigger than the function that takes the sum of g and h at every x, g + h = O(f).
  9. Show how the result of problem 8 can be applied to solve the big-Oh result requested in problem 6.
  10. Find two eventually positive functions, f and g, such that:
    1. f = O(g) and
    2. the limit f(x)/g(x) as x goes to infinity does not exist.
    For the limit not to exist, it would mean that the ratio goes to infinity, or that the ratio never settles down to tending to a value.
    What does this mean for ratio tests for big-Oh?
  11. Suppose f and g are eventually positive functions and the limit f(x)/g(x) is c as x goes to infinity, where c > 0.
    What is the big-Oh relationships between f and g, if there are any?
    What does this mean for ratio tests for big-Oh?