NAME mynetcat SYNOPSIS mynetcat [-p port] [-v] [-C] [-D level] mynetcat [-p port] [-v] [-D level] host DESCRIPTION In the first form, mynetcat listens on the given port for UDP packets and writes them to standard out. With the C option they are written both in hexidecimal and (when possible) as ASCII, in a manned such as the hexdump -C command. In the second form, takes data from stdin and on close of stdin sends the data as a UDP packet to the given port and host. To facilitate interactive use, a packet will be generated at least at each end of line. The host can be either a raw IP or a DNS name. The port number will be in decimal. If no port is given, the default port is 3333. -v option gives verbose output, including port numbers and IP addresses of UDP packets. -D option gives debugging level, and is not necessarily implemented. EXAMPLE To transfer a file from hostA to hostB (a "net cat"): hostA> cat file.out | mynetcat hostB hostB> mynetcat > file.out REVISED 19 Feb 2012