Problem Set 4 CSC507/CSC609 Mar 2016 Due: April 6 In the problem set we will use the number RSA-100 and its factors. See the wiki page for more information on the RSA challenge. 1. p = 37975227936943673922808872755445627854565536638199 In the field Z_p, p given above, use Pohlig-Helman to calculate as much as you can of the discrete log. I propose that 11 is a generator of Z_p^*. Verify. Show proof that 11 generates. Factor p-1 (you can use Wolfram Alpha) and show what you need to do to find the discrete lot of: h = 9228088727554456278545655366 Hint: if g^i = 1 (p) then i|(p-1) and g^{ij}=1 (p) for all j. So it suffices to test g^k for all k that are "just below" p-1 in divisibility ordering. That is, all k such that k = (p-1)/r for a prime r dividing p-1. 2. Implement the extended euclidean algorithm. Find the inverse of h in Z_p and Z_q, where h and p are as above and q is: q = 40094690950920881030683735292761468389214899724061 3. Encrypt h (above) mod n, where n = p*q, when encryption is c = h^3 (n). Decrypt c by finding the decryption exponent d, and test that c^d = h (n).