Please teach from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM on Monday April 7 and Wednesday April 9, in Memorial 100.

The students are finishing Assignment 7, due Monday April 7, and have been assigned Assignment 8. Assignment 7 is about Insertion Sort and Quick Sort, using an array of integers input from a file. Assure the students that I will go over the answers during the following weeks. Also, the students are wondering when Assignment 6 will be graded. Tell them you don't know, I haven't gotten anything back from my graders yet.

Assignment 8 is about Linked Lists. Your first goal is to review with them the material presented in class on Wednesday April 2 about linked lists. Do this by presenting the program LinkedListExample.C which I will leave with you in hard copy.

Other elements of Assignment 8 can be gotten from the student's reading of SomeUniqueWords.C, which I will leave with you in hard copy. This program essentially solves the homework assignment, except that it uses an array, rather than a linked list. In particular, all the hard stuff about allocating string storage and copying the string contents are presented in this program. The students have been instructed to read this program. Your second goal is to go over this program with the students in class.

Your third goal is to present the chapter on ADT's from the text book. If there is time, your fourth goal is to talk briefly about the call-by-reference mechanism in C++.

Thanks for filling in for me.


  1. This memoranda
  2. The Math 120 Home page
  3. The Assignment 8
  4. An example of creating and using linked lists.
  5. A headstart where the homework is solved using Arrays, rather than Linked Lists.