Submitting Assignments

Summary: Submit your assignments by placing them encypted in a publicly accessible directory. Use the script PostIt to setup the directory, encrypted and place the files you wish to submit. Do this in a timely fashion. The date of creation on the encrypted file will be proof that your work was on time. For this reason, don't touch the public file once submitted. If you wish to resubmit, use a new file name.

Setup: No setup is now necessary. The PostIt script has been installed in the system. Skip this part and go on to the Submitting.

Submitting: In the directory containing the file you wish to submit, type:

    PostIt filename
For many files, use
    PostIt filename1 filename2 ...
The script will create a subdirectory Math120 in your public_html directory and place an encrypted copy of your named file or files in that directory. The name of the file will be the same, except the extension .asc will have been added. Check that it worked:
    ls -l ~/public_html/Math120
should show you the files.

Trouble Shooting:

  1. The script will not write over an existing file. You can force it to do so by deleting the file in public_html/Math120 and ending with an .asc which is causing the conflict. I recommend that you do not do this. The earlier submission will prove that you completed the work on time. Instead, rename the file you want to submit by adding a number, such as HelloWorld_2.C.
  2. The PostIt script uses pgp and mth120's public key to encrypt your file. The hidden $HOME/.pgp directory will be created on the first use of PostIt. Troubles may occur if this directory is corrupted. Remove the .pgp directory and its contents and run PostIt again.
  3. Also regarding this directory, it is copied from a public area belonging to user mth120. If problems occur, use:
       ls -la ~mth120/public_html
    and look to see that the .pgp directory is visible. If not, check your spelling, and then call for help.
  4. If you have removed your public_html folder, the script may not function properly.

Burt Rosenberg. Last Modified: Mon Jan 27 16:29:19 EST 1997