Submit Homework

To submit your homework, you will use a program called PostIt to encrypt your .java file and place it in a publicly accessible location. You first need to set the POSTIT environment variable in your Unix shell (the blue-background winterm window) to the value mth120. Then in the same directory where your file is, run PostIt:
   setenv POSTIT mth120
You can check if your file has been correctly posted. It should now be in your public_html/mth120 directory, encrypted with the extension .asc added to it:
   cd public_html/mth120
   ls -l
The first time you use PostIt, it will create this directory as well as some other necessary files.

Keep the .asc files in thise directory until the end of the term. Their presence, with the date-stamp, is your receipt that you submitted the file on time. The grader will periodically run the program which makes a copy of this directory into a grading directory. The grader has the key to decrypt the files, and will grade your work, returning grades and comments to you via email.