Broswer Information Page

We work in Java 1.1. There are significant differences between Java 1.0 and 1.1, and early browsers do not run Java 1.1. This page gives some information about how to view Java 1.1.

Internet Explorer 4: IE4 on NT, and most likely Windows 95, supports Java 1.1. The Java console is a little hard to find. Open the Java console in IE4 by selecting View->InternetOptions->Advanced. Scroll down to Java VM and click on Java console enabled. Apply, OK, exit and restart IE4. Then select View->Java Console. Mac support is currently being determined.

Netscape 4.04: Netscape 4.04 needs the JDK 1.1 support patch for Windows 95.NT or Unix to work with Java 1.1. Mac support is currently being determined.

Hot Java: Hot Java is a browser from Sun which is itself written in Java. Download it for W95, WNT or Solaris for SPARC.