Math 220: Computer Programming II
Math 317: Introduction to Data Structures

Prof. Burt Rosenberg              Mth220/317-971
Ungar 523                         Section S: TR 3:05-4:20                 MM 306
                                  3 credits, lab, no W credit

This is a second course in computer programming with emphasis on the major algorithms and data structures encountered in practice.

There are two goals for this course: algorithms and programming. There will be two course texts, reflecting the dual nature of the course. We will study algorithms from Algorithms in C++ by Robert Sedgewick. A summary of this portion of the course follows:

Programming technologies are advancing rapidly. Last semester, my Math 120 students learned C++. This semester, the language of choice is Java. The text Exploring Java by Patrick Niemeyer and Joshua Peck will introduce both the Java language and the conceptual framework of objects in a desktop world, including:

Java packages are available on all platforms. The students programs will run on all platforms which support Java, and will be instantly available on the Web. So Mom and Dad know to disregard the tan, you are actually working. :-) However, the students are strongly urged to use the Indy Lab, Ungar room 426, where SGI Unix workstations run a visual Java development environment in a full network context.