Assignment 3: Insertion Sort

This java program performs Selection Sort. Use it as a model to write a java program to perform Insertion Sort. Selection Sort and Insertion Sort are described in Algorithms in C++, Chapter 8. Please read this chapter. Also, read on in Exploring Java about Objects, the AWT and Threads.

The Selection Sort Program

A guided tour of

The basic structure is:

class Sorting extends Applet implements Runnable {

    // declare some buttons
    // declare the constants SWAPPING=1 and SWAPPED=2
    // declare the global data structures table and status.

    public void init() {
       // layout the Applet's panel and validate (show) it

    void initialize( int [] table, int [] status ) {
       // fill in random data to table for the sort

    public boolean action ( Event e, Object a ) {
       // handle the "sortButton" event

    boolean sortOneStep( int [] table, int [] status ) {
       // (1) Look at status and determine if this is a swapping step
       //     or a find-min step
       // (2) If a swapping step, swap the two locations marked
       //     SWAPPING in status, and mark then SWAPPED
       // (3) If a find-min step, find the min and mark it SWAPPING

    public void run() {
       // the thread which does the algorithm animation.
       // while sortOneStep returns true, 
       //    (1) redraw the screen
       //    (2) sleep a little bit


class SortingView extends Panel {

     SortingView( int [] table, int [] status ) {
        // constructor method, remember table and status
     public void paint( Graphics gc ) {
        // this is how you repaint the SortingView,
        // put a square of color, according to status[i] in
        // location (i,table[i]). (not exactly, both i and
        // table[i] are scaled and translated to fit.