Homework 2

Out: Tue 16 Sept 1997
Due: Tue 23 Sept 1997

Programming Assingment:

Modify your program from Homework 1 to use functions for the list operations.

Write a program which uses a linked list of characters to count the number of each character in an input stream of text. Modify the previous program, modifying the DataBox data structure to include a count field, and adding functions to search a linked list, to increment the count of an element on the linked list, and to add elements to a linked list.

Submitting Homework:

Use the command PostIt filename to submit your homework. You will first need to set the environment variable named POSTIT (note all capital letters!) to mth220:

   setenv POSTIT mth220
Then go to the directory where your file is located, let's say it's called MyLinkedList.C, and type
   PostIt MyLinkedList.C
What will happen is that an encrypted copy will be placed in your public_html/mth220 directory. (PostIt will create this directory and give it proper permissions when you first use PostIt).

PostIt will refuse to post over an already submitted assignment. You should repost assignments by appending a version number to the name. For example, MyLinkedList.C.1. The date that the public_html/mth220 file is created is your receipt for the submission. For this reason, do not repost over a file.