Project mysyslog: Adding a syscall

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: oct 2019
In project 3 you will add another syscall to the kernel. Do this as in the previous project, using a new syscall slot, and expanding the code in syscalls.c and syscalls.h to implement the syscall.

Exact changes are shown:

-d: linux-source-4.4.0
+--- -d: arch
|    |
|    +--- -d: x86
|         |
|         +--- -d: entry
|              |
|              +--- -d: syscalls
|                   |
|                   +--- -f: syscall_32.tbl (this file is updated)
+--- -d: include 
|     |
|     +--- -d: linux
|          |
|          +--- -f: syscalls.h (this file is updated)
+--- -d: kernel
     +--- -f: Makefile
          -f: mysyscalls.c (this file is updated)
          -f: mysyscalls.h (this file is updated)
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 14 sep 2015
update: 5 oct 2019