Ring Buffer Project

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: sep 2021
# Name: bjr
# Date: 5 sep 2016
# Note: Makefiles begin with a capital M
#   Indentation MUST be with a tab
# tagets build, test, clean and submit are required.


	make ringbuf

ringbuf: ringbuf.c ringbuf-sub.o ringbuf.h
	cc ${COPTS} -o $@ ringbuf-sub.o $<

ringbuf-sub.o: ringbuf-sub.c ringbuf.h
	cc ${COPTS} -c -o $@ $<
test: ringbuf
	-rm ringbuf.out
	./ringbuf +abcdefghijklmno+pq-rs--tuv+ > ringbuf.out
	diff ringbuf.out ringbuf.ref

	-rm ringbuf ringbuf-sub.o ringbuf.out
 * name:
 * date:
 * header file for ringbuf.c and ringbuf-sub.h 

#define RINGBUF_SIZE 16

struct RingBuf {
	int head ;
	int tail ;
	int is_full ;
	char ringbuf[RINGBUF_SIZE] ;
} ;

/* globals shared between ringbuf.c and ringbuf-sub.c */

extern int g_debug ;
extern int is_verbose ;

/* the ringbuf "API" */

#define RB_Q_SIZE 0
#define RB_IS_EMPTY 1
#define RB_IS_FULL 2
#define RB_Q_COUNT 3

int rb_ioctl(int op) ; 
int rb_enqueue(int ele) ;
int rb_dequeue(void) ;

#include "ringbuf.h"

 * author: 
 * date: 
 * pledge: this is my own work, unless otherwise noted
 * update: 

/* static variables (zeroed) */

int g_debug = 0 ;
int is_verbose = 0 ;
struct RingBuf rb ;

int rb_ioctl(int op) {
	switch (op) {
	case RB_Q_SIZE:
		return RINGBUF_SIZE ;
	case RB_IS_EMPTY:
		return 1 ;
	case RB_IS_FULL:
	case RB_Q_COUNT:
	return 0 ;

int rb_enqueue(int ele) {
	/* given element ele of type char, enqueues on the ring buffer.
	   if successful return ele, else return -1.
	return 0 ;

int rb_dequeue(void) {
	/* dequeue on the ring buffer.
	   if successful return ele, else return -1.
	return -1 ;

#include "ringbuf.h"

 * author: bjr
 * date: 5 sep 2016
 * pledge: this is my own work, unless otherwise noted
 * this is a template. change "author" and continue work
 * update: 

/* globals go here */
extern int g_debug ;
extern int is_verbose ;

/* defines go here, in SHOUTY_CASE */
#define USAGE_MESSAGE "usage: ringbuf [-v] _commands_"

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {

	int is_verbose = 0 ;
	int ch ;
	char * ops ;
	int res ;

	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != -1) {
		switch(ch) {
			case 'v':
				is_verbose = 1 ;
				break ;
				printf("%s\n", USAGE_MESSAGE) ;
				return 0 ;
	argc -= optind;
	argv += optind;

	/* example of an assertion */
	assert(is_verbose==0 || is_verbose==1) ;

	if ( is_verbose ) {
		printf("%s:%d argc=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, argc) ;
		if (argc!=0) {
			printf("%s:%d argument = |%s|\n", 
				__FILE__, __LINE__, argv[0] ) ;
		printf("%s:%d ringbuffer size = %d\n",
				__FILE__, __LINE__, rb_ioctl(RB_Q_SIZE) ) ;

	if (!argc) {
		printf("%s\n", USAGE_MESSAGE) ;
		return 0 ;

	ops = argv[0] ;
	while (*ops) {
		switch (*ops) {
		case '-':
			// ** HINT: res should be the result of a call to rb_dequeue
			res = -1 ;
			// **
			if ( res==-1 ) {
				printf("deq: empty\n") ;
			else {
				printf("deq: %c\n", res) ;
			break ;
		case '+':
			printf("ioc: %d %d %d %d\n", 
				// ** HINT: the first -1 is replaced by rb_iotcl(RB_Q_SIZE)
				-1, -1, -1, -1 ) ;
				// **
			break ;
			// ** HINT: the next line is replaced by a call to rb_enqueue. the character
			//    to enqueue is pointed to by ops.
			res = -1 ;
			// **
			if ( res==-1 ) {
				printf("enq: full\n") ;
			else {
				printf("enq: %c\n", *ops) ;
		// ** HINT: the next line should increment the character pointer ops
		ops ;
		// **

	return 0 ;
ioc: 16 1 0 0
enq: a
enq: b
enq: c
enq: d
enq: e
enq: f
enq: g
enq: h
enq: i
enq: j
enq: k
enq: l
enq: m
enq: n
enq: o
ioc: 16 0 0 15
enq: p
enq: full
deq: a
enq: r
enq: full
deq: b
deq: c
enq: t
enq: u
enq: full
ioc: 16 0 1 16
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 03 sep 2021
update: 03 sep 2021