Life in the clouds, Googie style (1962).

Pirate Programming

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: september 2023


The Jetsons were not pirates. They were a typical middle-class family living in the future. They were a creation of the Hanna-Barbara animation studio. The style of the Jetsons was something called Googie, and there are several Googie style buildings in existence.

We however, will attempt some pirate programming, and we will hence need a cyber-ocean and cyber-ships. That is the story line behind doing this project in the clouds, on a virtual machine instance using AWS, an Amazon product. Other vendors provide similar services — an instance of computing in the cloud, called cloud computing. If you really want to know what is cloud computing, probably best to read Above the Clouds, a Berkeley tech report with a bunch of names on it.

This page has the following sections,

You will need an EC2 instance

Because this work is pirate programming, it matters a lot what machine and what operating system is being used. In order to get us all on the same machine, we will use an EC2 instance.
architecture: x86_64
OS: Canonical, Ubuntu, 22.04 LTS, amd64
An EC2 instance is a virtual machine instance running in one of Amazon's server farms, typically a virtual machine, so that its spin-up and spin-down is entirely software. It is part of Amazons Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering.

You upgrade your Amazon account to include AWS. The upgrade is free, but they need to inform you about possible charges to your credit card, and get your permission for these charges.

Note: Amazon has a Free Tier for the first year of AWS usage. Otherwise, use Free Tier eligible resources for the lowest charges.

And please remember to terminate your instances!

Creating an EC2 Instance

  1. You will create a computing instance from a compute instance, (EC2).
  2. A storage instance will be created for you, and attached to the compute instance, (EBS)
  3. You will be asked to create a public-private key pair, and download the private key. Keypair
  4. You can chose to stop or terminate your instance when done.
  5. Return to the dashboard for instances, select your instance.
  6. Click connect for a panel giving your instructions for an ssh connection.
  7. Get the repo information: sudo apt-get update
  8. Make sure your software is up to date: sudo apt-get upgrade
  9. Install all the needed software: sudo apt-get install build-essential git
  10. Stop your instance until you wish to continue or to terminate the instance.

Pirate Programming

We have idealized memory as an array of bytes indexed from 0 by consecutive integers. For each basic type, and for void, we have a pointer type that we conceptualize as the integer address at which an element of that type resides in memory.

Whether this is true or not is obscured by the exact C Language specifications. (For instance, what can be found in Harbison and Steele). Reading that manual carefully, pointer value are returned either by malloc, or the address-of operator. A pointer can be added to, which moves the pointer to the next item in a sequence of items. However, they are silent on coercion or conversion between pointers and integers.
Coercion is a compiler concept. No code is emitted to coerce a value from one type to another. Conversion is an execution concept. Code is emitted by the compiler to execute at run time to accomplish the conversion — e.g. from integer to float.

To ignore this and go ahead with programming outside the specification, I call pirate programming. We are going to engage in pirate programming to explore our understanding even if our code might not be portable. This is a nightmere for code that is supposed to go into a reliable software product, but we are pirates.

The diagram on the right shows exactly how memory address are handled in the 32 Intel architecture. There is a Linear Address Space that is an array of bytes indexed by consecutive integers. However, the space is cute into segments that differentiate different memory arenas. In a Von Neumann architecture, the code arena finds a place within the Linear Address Space. The competing Harvard architecture places code in a separate arena, and is very useful for embedded devices where code is in ROM (Read Only Memory) and data is in read/writable memory — different devices accessed in electrically distinct pathways. This is one example of how the linear address space concept is important.

The 64 bit architecture is different. This is called either x86_64 or amd64. For Intel this defines a 48 bit virtual address embedded in an 64 bit linear span. The 248 virtual address are not all in the lower arena nor all in the upper arena of the 264 linear addresses, but are split, with a middle gap where the linear addresses are invalid.

Also note that Intel defines the physical address space in a flexible manner, according to the particular chip, up to 56 bits of address space.

The Pirate Programming Project

You have received a github classroom invitation to the code template. There are two programs to complete. Much of the code is good, but you need to find the pirate secret and the pirate treasure box. In one program the treasure is the return_to address, and but hijacking that you can "board the ship", that is, return from a call to the function of your choice. In the other the treasure is at the location. At that location is the pointer to a string to print. The pirate who over-writes this location hoists his pirate flag! that is, prints their string not the one given in the function call.

The ref files give example output for a successful run. However, what matters is that your program works, not that it match the output.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 18 september 2023