Italian Officers with Enimga

Attacking Authenticated Encryption

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: feb 2018


There are two basic tasks to this problem. The first is to implement various authenticated encryption schemes. The second task is to attack those schemes, The implementation requested leaves itself open to these attacks, so that you and explore and understand the attacks. At the same time, the implementation is very close to the actual cryptography that secure our communications — from shopping to warfare. After completing the assignment, you will have a clear understanding when reasoning about professional crypto, and will realize what it can and cannot achieve, and will use the cryptography properly.

Problem 1: Authenclib/

To implement authenticated encryption, complete the provided template code authencrypt/ The heart of our implementation is Blowfish, a block cipher written by Bruce Schneier. We use a provided blowfish python package, blowfish 0.6.1. The provided Makefile has a target to install the package.

The program (see class/proj3/ accepts command line arguments, instantiates the AuthEncrypt object implemented in, and encrypts or decrypts stdin to stdout. In case of error, writes a single letter, A or P, to stderr, where A means a bad MAC, and P means faulty padding.

The completed program can encrypt and decrypt in one of four modes,

  1. No MAC (none). The plaintext is padded to a multiple of block size, an 8 byte IV is randomly chosen, and the padded text is CBC encrypted using a key derived from a supplied pass-phrase. The output is the IV followed by the encrypted, padded plaintext.
  2. MAC-and-Encrypt (mae). The plaintext is encrypted as above. A CBC-MAC is taken on the padded plaintext using a key derived from a supplied pass-phrase (but not the same key as that which encrypts/decrypts). The output is the encrypted text followed by the MAC.
  3. MAC-then-Encrypt (mte): The plaintext is padded to a multiple of block size. A CBC-MAC is taken over the padded message. The MAC is appended to the padded message and the entirety is CBC encrypted, as above. The output is the resulting ciphertext.
  4. Encrypt-then-MAC (etm): The plaintext is padded to a multiple of block size and is CBC encrypted as above. The resulting ciphertext is CBC-MAC'ed. The output is the ciphertext followed by the MAC.
Details of the encryptions and MAC generations are from the class text,
             m0      m1      m2
             |       |       |
             |   +--(+)  +--(+)
             |   |   |   |   |
            +-+  |  +-+  |  +-+
            |G|  |  |G|  |  |G|
            +-+  |  +-+  |  +-+
             |   |   |   |   |
             +---+   +---+   +-----+
      IV    m0      m1      m2     |
      |      |       |       |     |
      +-----(+)  +--(+)  +--(+)    |
      |      |   |   |   |   |     |
      |     +-+  |  +-+  |  +-+    |
      |     |F|  |  |F|  |  |F|    |
      |     +-+  |  +-+  |  +-+    |
      |      |   |   |   |   |     |
      |      +---+   +---+   |     |
      |      |       |       |     |
      c0/IV  c1      c2      c3  c4/MAC
         ****  Encrypt and MAC  ****
In decryption mode, the padding is checked in all modes, and 'P' is written to stderr if the padding is faulty. Except for the none mode, the MAC is checked and 'A' is written to stderr if the MAC does not verify. Check first the padding. This is a deliberate vulnerability for the purposes of the assignment.

Problem 2: Basic attacks

Write a program that uses the created AuthEncrypt library to automate three attacks,
  1. An attack against indistinguishability on the none mode using chosen ciphertext attack.
  2. An attack on MAE using message extension to forge a new message out of given chosen plaintext message.
  3. An attack to decrypt a message encrypted by MAE making use of the padding and that padding errors take precedence.

Problem 3: Advanced attacks

Find two attacks against MTE or ETM.
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author: burton rosenberg
created: 21 feb 2018
update: 21 feb 2018