Circle Limit III by M. C. Escher

Exercises in Public Key Encryption

by: burt rosenberg
at: university of miami
date: nov 2019


Copy the files from class/proj5/ to your [username]/proj5 folder. Complete the code as necessary so that you run all tests successfully. Attempt the challenge problems, to reveal the mystery.

The project has two Python projets: rsa-tasks and dh-tasks. In the first, you finish up code for RS encryption; you implement the Pollard-Rho factoring algorithm and compare it to trial division. And you attempt to crack a message attacking the modulus, to discover the factors, and then the decryption exponent.

The second file, you implement the ElGamal crypto-system. You begin your attack on the second challenge problem by implementing the big-step, litte-step method for discrete logs. You then attempt to crack a message enciphered with ElGamal.

Why the Escher Illustration

Yeah, it's tenuous. The Escher drawing Circle Limit III uses an "abstract" branch of mathematics called hyperbolic geometry in the pursuit of the "craft" of illustration, or decoration.

Likewise, we use an "abstract" branch of mathematics, number theory, in the pursuit of the "craft" of cryptology.

My use of the word craft, rather than art or technology, is deliberate. Escher is said to have been inspired by the decorations of the Alhambra, in Granada, Spain. Cryptology goes back to the thoughts of Trithemius and other Alchemists, whose works were in a gray area between reason and emotion.

There are more connections. But in the manner of the alchemists, enough-said.

RSA Tasks

  1. rsa_test

    Complete the implementation of the RSA crypto system, in the class RSA in the project template file.

  2. pollard_rho_test

    Write the Pollard Rho algorithm, which gives an advantage of a square-root over trial divisors. This algorithm can be used in challenge to crack the RSA key.

        Given an n to factor
        Choose a random starting points x and x_p, initially equal
        Using the update function f(x)=x2+1, mod n:
            Update x gets f(x) and x_p gets f(f(x))
            Check the gcd between the difference x-x_p and n.
            A non-trivial GCD is a factor of n. Return the factor
        After about square root of n attempts, terminate having failed to find a factor of n
  3. RSA challenge

    ☆☆☆ RSA CHALLENGE ☆☆☆
        ☞ Find the plaintext ☜
    RSA Params and ciphertext:
    	n = 13281020721221343268485383549533965497
    	e = 7
    	ciphtertext = 5902234696191027616157510009783082557

ElGamal Tasks

  1. elgamal_test

    Complete the implementation of the ElGamal crypto system, in the class ElGamal in the project template file.

  2. discrete_log_test

    Take discrete log's using the big-step/small-step method for a square-root in power over brute force. You will need that boost in order to meet the challenge.

       Make a table of about m = square root(n) slots.
       Take h = gm and put hi into slot i of the table.
       Sort the table.
       Take the target z and calculate z g-j and look for a match
          in the table
       If a match is found then hi = z g-j which means
          z = gm*i+j
  3. ElGamal challenge

        ☞ Riddle: Dr who? ☜
    Cryptotext hint:
    	public key (h) = 123
    	generator  (g)= 5
    	prime (p) = 1333779268829507
    	three messages (g^r (p), m * h^r (p))
              (879059454310780, 893889137529005)
              (123475997005350, 1268193986275797)
              (209827495157778, 790139893489473)
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

author: burton rosenberg
created: 13 nov 2019
update: 17 nov 2019