Project 6: Solution Jogo Da Velha
See the assignment for a description
of the project.
Her is a partial solution, the code broken down according to subclass:
Test routines
- java JogoDaVelhaServer [-v] where the -v optional is for verbose.
- java JogoDaVelhaClient [-v] servername where the -v optional is for verbose.
The JogoProtoTestLocal prompts you to be either server or client, and you must
simulate the other half of the protocol by typing responses at the keyboard, as well
as exercising calls on the JogoProto interface.
The JogoProtoTestNet is as a server (-s option) and then is connected to using
client mode (no -s option, instead a hostname). You drive the JogoProto interfaces
and get to see the letters on the wire.
When client continues to request new games, multiple "waiting for response..." messages
appear at the server.
To quit, ^C and wonder at the ProtocolException messages.
Needs to be cleaned up.
Doesn''t detect end of game.
Make select abstract in JogoProto base class and implement
for *Server as throw new ProtocolException().
Alex noticed that a simpler protocol is comprised
alternating messages of the single character 0,1,...,9.
Any number is valid at any time. 0 signals start of new game,
fiat by sender. Receiver can then go first or pass first move
back to sender according to whether its chosen response is 0 or
another digit.