600-Level Courses
MTH 609 : Cryptography and Data Security 3 cr.
MTH 611. Theory of Computation 3 cr.
MTH 612. Complexity Theory 3 cr.
MTH 613. Computer System Performance Evaluation 3 cr.
MTH 621. Mathematical Probability 3 cr.
MTH 623. Theory of Relational Databases 3 cr.
MTH 625. Multivariate Analysis 3 cr.
MTH 628. Parallel Algorithms 3 cr.
MTH 630, MTH 631. Real Variables 3 cr. each
MTH 632, MTH 633. Complex Variables 3 cr. each
MTH 638. Stochastic Processes 3 cr.
MTH 640, MTH 641. Algebraic Topology 3 cr. each
MTH 644. Advanced Computer Modeling 3 cr.
MTH 645. Introduction to Expert Systems 3 cr.
MTH 651, MTH 652. Differential Geometry 3 cr. each
MTH 657. Lie Groups 3 cr.
MTH 661, MTH 662. Abstract Algebra 3 cr. each
MTH 670. Directed Readings of Research 24 cr.
MTH 680, MTH 681. Topics in Analysis 3 cr. each
MTH 682, MTH 683. Topics in Topology 3 cr. each
MTH 685. Topics in Algebra 3 cr.
MTH 686, MTH 687. Topics In Mathematics 3 cr. each
MTH 688, MTH 689. Topics in Computer Science 3 cr. each
MTH 690. Seminar for Beginning Graduate Students 1-3 cr.
Encryption algorithms; cryptographic techniques; access, information flow and inference controls.
Prerequisite: MTH 509.
Recursive functions, Markov algorithms, Turing machines. Unsolvability.
Prerequisite. MTH 509 and at least one programming course.
Models of computations, Blum's axioms, intractability, NP-completeness
Prerequisite: MTH 611.
Queueing models of computer systems. Inputs and outputs Models with job classes. Flow equivalence and hierarchical modeling. Memory, disk l/O, processors.
Prerequisite: MTH 544.
Development of the measure-theoretic approach to probability. Random variables, central limit theory, laws of large numbers, martingales.
Prerequisite: Permission of department chairman.
Relational operators, dependencies, covers for functional dependencies, and normal forms. Representation theory query systems, acyclic database schemes.
Prerequisite: MTH 523.
Sampling theory for multivariate normal populations. Component and factor analysis Stochastic difference equations.
Prerequisite: MTH 525.
Parallel computation models; sorting networks; parallel algorithms for sorting, searching, graph problems, prefix computation, pattern matching, and fast Fourier transforms; theory of P-completeness, the class NC.
Prerequisite: MTH 540.
Lebesgue measure and the Lebesque Integral for R1, Banach Spaces. General measure theory. topological groups and Haar Measure.
Prerequisite: MTH 532.
Complex numbers line or transformations, analytic function, conformality. Cauchy's Theorem, representation theorems. harmonic functions.
Prerequisite: MTH 531.
Prerequisite: MTH 631.
Homotopy, covering space, Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms for (co) homology theories, Mayer-Vietoris sequences Universal Coefficient theorem, Kunneth formula, computations and applications.
Prerequisite: MTH 532.
Formal theories and axiomatic approaches. Process, interactive and robot-oriented simulation. Large systems and computer networks Emulation and dynamic system evaluation. Modeling using Fuzzy concepts. Simulation and expert systems.
Prerequisite: MTH 544.
Overview of expert systems, architecture of expert systems, knowledge base and representation, inference engine, expert system tools, reasoning under uncertainty, explaining the reasoning, evaluation of expert systems.
Prerequisite: MTH 545.
Prerequisite: MTH 562
The selection of topics will be flexible but will be of interest to beginning graduate students.