WPA Help Page

We suggest that you begin by editing the example announcement, replacing the title of the talk, the speaker name, etc., with the actual title, speaker name, etc.

The text window is a standard scrolling and editing widget, supporting all your favorite editing techniques. Click on the window and begin editing. When finished, set the Action to Add New and click on Submit.

If the format of the announcement is appropriate, leave all line breaks and the _italic and _bold directives in place and just edit the text. If you want to change the format for your announcement, you will have to understand more. Consider in detail the example announcement:

_italic Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

_italic Colloquium

_bold Galileo Galilei
_italic University of Padua

will present

_bold Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World
_bold Systems - Ptolemaic and Copernican

Friday, December 31, 11:00 AM
In Ungar, Room CC506
Refreshments will be served at 10:30.
will appear as the most current announcement typeset as:

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Galileo Galilei
Unversity of Padua

will present

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World
Systems - Ptolemaic and Copernican

Friday, December 31, 11:00 AM
In Ungar, Room CC506
Refreshments will be served at 10:30

Note the following: This is all you need to know to format an announcement according to your wishes - peculiar though they may be.

There is a (currently non-functionning) raw HTML mode for writers who prefer a real challenge. To enter this mode, begin the announcement with the directive _rawHtml. Then you are own your own. The above announcement as raw HTML could be entered as:

<BR><EM>Department of Mathematics and Computer Science</EM>
<BR><STRONG>Galileo Galilei</STRONG>
<BR><EM>Unversity of Padua</EM>
<BR>will present
<BR><STRONG>Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World</STRONG>
<BR><STRONG>Systems - Ptolemaic and Copernican</STRONG>
<BR>Friday, December 31, 11:00 AM
<BR>In Ungar, Room CC506
<BR>Refreshments will be served at 10:30