Social Events

What: Snacks and drinks and time to talk.
When: Every morning and afternoon
Where: Outside the conference rooms
Price: Included in conference registration.

What: Food, of course
When: Everyday
Where: Conference hotel
Price: Included in conference registration.

What: Time to find friends, eat and drink.
When: Monday 11th August, 18:00
Where: Conference hotel
Price: Included in conference registration.

CASC Dinner
What: Dinner for CASC entrants and associates
When: Tuesday 12th August, evening
Where: Golden Harbour Restaurant
Price: Included in CASC registration.

CASQ-J4 - the CADE Squash Competition
What: Squash (the game) competition (aka "getting beaten by Frank")
When: Wednesday 14th August, evening
Where: TBA
Price: Free

Blue Mountains Excursion
What: Bus excursion
When: Thursday 14th August, afternoon
Where: To the Blue Mountains
Price: Included in conference registration. The excursion ticket included in the conference registration fee does not include tickets to Scenic World. (Scenic World can be explored by walking, too.)

What: Banquet
When: Thursday 14th August, evening, following the excursion
Where: The Carrington
Price: Included in conference registration.