The CADE-18 Problems and Problem Sets Workshop

will be held at

The 18th International Conference on Automated Deduction
Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-30 July 2002
as part of FLoC'02.

In recent years there has been impressive progress in the development of high-performance ATP systems, and ATP systems are becoming more and more useful as tools of research and commercial application. As the use of ATP systems expands to harder problems and new domains, it is important place new problems and problem types in public view, to foster the development of ATP systems and techniques that will better serve users' needs.

In order to expose and collect new ATP problems, the CADE-18 Problems and Problem Sets Workshop (PaPS-18) will be held on 1 August 2002. This workshop will bring together real ATP system users and developers, in an environment focused on problems and problem sets for ATP systems. Topics of interest include:

This year's workshop will be limited to problems in propositional and first order logic (including translation from higher order logics to propositional and first order form). There will be no limitation to classical logics - problems and problem sets in other logics, e.g., modal and relevance logics, are of interest, provided that there are ATP systems that can attempt to solve them. The problems and problem sets will be made available online in TPTP format, thus making them easily accessible to ATP system developers as challenge problems.

Invited speakers:

The workshop organizers are Geoff Sutcliffe, Jeff Pelletier and Christian Suttner. If you have any questions about the worksop, please email the organizers.

Submission of papers for presentation at the workshop is now invited. Submissions will be refereed, and balanced program of high-quality contributions will be selected. We are particularly interested in contributions from commercial ATP users.

Submissions can be in PDF or Postscript, with a print area of 16cm x 23cm (6.5in x 9in). There is no page limit, but extremely long listings of problems or computer output should be relegated to a referenced WWW site. All problems and problem sets must be available on the WWW, and the WWW site referenced in the paper.

 The submission deadline is 12 April 2002

Other important dates