Mona Institute of Applied Sciences
MACS6319 - Artificial Intellignce
Summer 2010


Decisions, decisions, decisions. Solving a problem requires making decisions, and making the right decisions. The ability to make the right decisions, and hence solve a problem, is a fundamental measure of intelligence. Lots of wrong decisions are made all the time - just watch the world go by - intelligence doesn't come easy. Artificial Intelligence is the study of computer agents that make the right decisions (with more than random chance), and hence exhibit intelligence.

There are five cornerstones to the construction of artificially intelligent agents:

If all the above sounds kinda different to other things you've learned in Computer Science, you're right! Many traditional Computer Science techniques (algorithms, data structures, etc.) are invented and refined by intelligent computer scientists, but their execution on a computer exhibits no intelligence at all. Artificial Intelligence aims to build computer agents that exhibit intelligence themselves.

This course teaches advanced concepts in Artificial Intelligence. It also introduces the basic AI search techniques, knowledge representation, and some applications of AI. Some of the topics covered are:

Learning Objectives

  1. Give an introduction to AI, e.g., like intelligent agents, agent environment etc.
  2. Understand the basic AI searching techniques
  3. Understand the principles of knowledge representation
  4. Understand the learning principles of AI, neural networks
  5. Program in a AI programming language (Prolog this time round)
  6. Appreciate some applications of AI


Dr Geoff Sutcliffe. Contact details are on the WWW at There will be office hours at a time we agree on, and students are encouraged to ask questions by email at all times.

Contact Hours

Each week there are three 3 hours lectures:

Everyone must email me ASAP so I can get all your email addresses - please make the email subject "CS63S", and put your name in the email. I will use those email addresses to send out course announcements. Students are also required to consult the subject WWW page regularly.

Resource materials

There is no required text - all will be revealed in the classes. The recommended text, which covers most of the material of this course, is: A list of reference texts, lecture slides, and assignments will be available on the WWW.


30% Assignments
10% Test
60% Final Exam
In order to obtain a particular grade, you may be required to attain that grade in all items of assessment.

Assignments will be placed on the WWW. The submission requirements for each assignment are given with each assignment. Late submissions will not be accepted. Extensions of the due date will be granted if supporting documentary evidence is supplied (e.g., a doctor's certificate). Application for an extension must be made to the instructor before the due date (if possible).

Assessment items must be completed individually. While general interaction between students is encouraged, plagiarism is a breach of the Honor code. It is ok to talk to other students about general solution techniques for assignments, but it is not ok to copy solutions in part or as a whole. Plagiarism will result in a loss of marks for all guilty students involved.