State Space Search II

List the environment and problem features of the following AI problems. For each feature, give one sentence explaining why you think it has that characteristic.

Design a production system algorithm for ...

... in a ...
Problem = SenseProblem();
KB += StaticPartOf(Problem);
CurrentState = DynamicPartOf(Problem);
DynamicStateSpace = {};
Transformation = NULL;
while (! SolutionFound(CurrentState)) {
    If (Transformation != "backtrack") {
        KB += SenseEnvironment();
    Transformation = ChooseTransformationFromCurrentState(CurrentState,KB,DynamicStateSpace);
    if (Transformation == "backtrack") {
        CurrentState = PreviousState(CurrentState,DynamicStateSpace);
    } else {
        DynamicStateSpace += (CurrentState,Transformation);
        CurrentState = ApplyTransformation(CurrentState,Transformation);
        if (Loop(CurrentState,DynamicStateSpace)) {
            CurrentState = PreviousState(CurrentState,DynamicStateSpace);
            Transformation = "backtrack";