Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
- Draw the structure and describe the operation of a processing element.
- Explain what is meant by a neural network being "fully feedforward
- What (in general terms) are the tasks of each of the layers of a
counter-propagation network?
- After sufficient training, what has a backpropogation network learned?
- Consider four digit numbers, e.g., 3526, 8719, etc.
- New numbers can be formed by single point crossover, e.g., crossing
over 3526 and 8719 at position 3 produces 3529 and 8716.
- Starting with the numbers 3526, 8719, 6222, and 1892, show one generation
of a genetic algorithm that's aiming to generates the maximal number
8799, using the following random numbers for selection and crossover
point ...
- Parent selection 1 = 0.34
- Parent selection 2 = 0.87
- Crossover point for parents 1 and 2 = 3
- Parent selection 3 = 0.66
- Parent selection 4 = 0.19
- Crossover point for parents 1 and 2 = 2
- If you are bored, do some more (no more marks though)