- Recall the structure of an agent ...
- A production system has 6 modules spread over the 3 parts of the
central intelligence ...
- Problem representation
- Problem (and maybe some environment) information in
states, in a growing space of achieved states.
Includes the initial state.
- Other state lists and data structures as required.
- Knowledge base
- Knowledge that can help the search control.
- Static information that forms part of every state
(and thus need not be duplicated) can be moved here.
- Environment information
- Semantic information for the static and dynamic information
- Search control
- State transformation rules
- A strategy, with access to the problem representation (the
three types of information) and knowledge base.
- A function that tests for a solution state
- The engine drives the system, and in conjunction with the
control strategy and transformations forms the solution
generator of a classical problem description.
- In general terms, the production system algorithm ...
- Tests whether or not a solution state has been achieved
- It may be necessary to generate several goal states before
halting however, as a "best" solution may be required.
- Finds possible achieved-state + transformation pairs
- Selects achieved-state+transformation pairs
- Implements the selected transformations
- Inserts the new states in the achieved space of states.
- The dynamic space is all known states
- The frontier space is states from which transformations can
still be done.
Sometimes separated from the dynamic space.
- The new space is states just discovered.
Sometimes separated from the dynamic space.
- Must produce motion through the state space.
- Algorithms handout
- Production system engine algorithm, for
- No environment
- Deterministic, non-decomposable, recoverable, any solution
- Choose state, expand all ways
Suitable for, e.g., a theorem prover
Problem = SenseProblem();
KB += StaticPartOf(Problem);
CurrentState = DynamicPartOf(Problem);
NewStates = {CurrentState};
DynamicStateSpace = {};
FrontierStates = {};
while (! SolutionFound(NewStates)) {
FrontierStates += NewStates;
StateToTransform = ExtractStateToTransform(FrontierStates,KB,DynamicStateSpace);
NewStates = ApplyAllTransformations(StateToTransform);
NewStates = RemoveLoops(NewStates,DynamicStateSpace,FrontierStates,StateToTransform);
DynamicStateSpace += StateToTransform;
Implementation notes
- Static part of problem added to any a priori knowledge in KB
- FrontierStates += NewStates moves the frontier
- ExtractStateToTransform removes the
StateToTransform from the FrontierStates.
- To extend the basic algorithm to a best solution (e.g., a journey
planner in a perfect world), call ...
and install ...
SolutionFound(NewStates,FrontierStates) {
static BestSolutionSoFar = NULL;
//----Update best state so far
foreach (State in NewStates) {
if (IsSolution(State) && State > BestSolutionSoFar) {
BestSolutionSoFar = State;
//----Check if there is hope for improvement
foreach (State in NewStates + FrontierStates) {
if (State could get better than BestSolutionSoFar) {
- Influence of environment characteristics
- Accessibility
- Greater accessibility gives a greater possible role for
knowledge acquired from the environment.
- Explorable environment requires one sensing.
- Contingent environment requires resensing.
- Dynamism
- Environment changes during process, and thus requires resensing.
- Can plan ahead only if static.
- Semi-dynamic plays time off against performance.
- Continuity
- Agents
- Multi-agent means a dynamic environment and/or a
strategic problem
- Influence of problem characteristics
- Determinism
- Deterministic: Can choose transformation by predicting new
Can plan ahead (if environment allows)
- Searchable: Can search ahead.
- Non-deterministic:
Cannot predict new states.
Cannot plan or search ahead.
Requires repeated sensing.
- Decomposability
- If episodic, each episode can be treated separately.
No relative state information between episodes.
- Recoverability
- Recoverable: Can do any number of transformations from any
number of states.
No need to plan ahead - good for non-deterministic problems.
- Backtrackable: Must do one transformation from "current" state,
but can always transform back.
Must take cost of backtracking into account.
- Non-recoverable: Must do one transformation from the current
- Solution quality
- Best solution possible if recoverable or backtrackable
- The role of knowledge - how much is there, and how useful is it?
- Ignorance - no knowledge available, e.g., first time activities
- Known a priori - can be used consistently
- Explorable - can be acquired through one-time use of sensors.
- Contingent - explorable as you progress into the state space, and
you learn as you go.
A similar effect to non-determinism.
- Production system engine algorithm, for
- No environment
- Deterministic, non-decomposable, backtrackable, any solution problem
- Use option to expand only one way (backtrackable)
Suitable for, e.g., simple maze solving.
The frontier is the single current state.
Problem = SenseProblem();
KB += StaticPartOf(Problem);
CurrentState = DynamicPartOf(Problem);
DynamicStateSpace = {};
while (! SolutionFound(CurrentState)) {
Transformation = ChooseTransformationFromCurrentState(CurrentState,KB,DynamicStateSpace);
if (Transformation == "backtrack") {
CurrentState = PreviousState(CurrentState,DynamicStateSpace);
} else {
DynamicStateSpace += CurrentState;
CurrentState = ApplyTransformation(CurrentState,Transformation);
if (Loop(CurrentState,DynamicStateSpace)) {
CurrentState = PreviousState(CurrentState,DynamicStateSpace);
- Production system engine algorithm, for
- Accessible-explorable, static, discrete, single agent environment
- Non-deterministic, non-decomposable, non-recoverable, any
solution problem (bad combination!)
- Can expand only one way (non-deterministic, non-recoverable)
The non-determinism requires resensing.
In combination with the non-recoverability, this sucks.
Suitable for a roulette wheel player (where a transformation is a bet
and spin).
Environment = SenseEnvironment();
Problem = SenseProblem();
KB += StaticPartOf(Problem) + Environment;
CurrentState = DynamicPartOf(Problem);
DynamicStateSpace = {};
while (! SolutionFound(CurrentState)) {
Transformation = ChooseTransformationFromCurrentState(CurrentState,KB,DynamicStateSpace);
DynamicStateSpace += CurrentState;
CurrentState = DynamicPartOf(SenseProblem());
if (Loop(CurrentState,DynamicPartOf)) {
- Production system engine algorithm, for
- Accessible-contingent, dynamic, discrete, single agent environment
- Deterministic, non-decomposable, recoverable, any solution problem
- Expand one way (can also do expand all ways)
Suitable for real-time web search.
Problem = SenseProblem();
KB += StaticPartOf(Problem);
CurrentState = DynamicPartOf(Problem);
DynamicStateSpace = {};
while (! SolutionFound(CurrentState)) {
DynamicStateSpace += CurrentState;
Environment = SenseEnvironment();
(FromState,Transformation) = ChooseStateAndTransformation(Environment,KB,DynamicStateSpace);
CurrentState = ApplyTransformation(FromState,Transformation);
if (Loop(CurrentState,DynamicStateSpace)) {
- Selecting applicable transformations
- Matching
- Involves search through the pre-conditions and finding all
that match.
- Slow if there are a lot of rules.
- Indexing
- Use the current state as an index into the rules to find
appropriate rules.
- Could use a partial index then search - the usual hashing
- Matching with variables (unification)
- Must keep bindings and apply them to the post-condition of
the rule to get the new state.
- More variables means more general rules but more matches
with the problem state.
- Approximate matching.
- Arises from imprecise states and imprecise rules.
- Ability to add new information to the static knowledge base can change
system behaviour.
Can add new transformation rules that are consistent with old without
disrupting the system.