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Last modified Sunday, 07-Jul-2024 16:06:39 UTC.
- What is Computer Science?
- There are many aspects to making a computer do something for users.
- Computer Science is the science of building computational entities with known and
verifiable properties.
Computer Science is concerned with underlying principles of computing, particularly with
the creation of software, and that's Programming.
- Other related fields include
- Computer Systems Engineering - designing and building computers
- Information Technology - creating and using application software, using up-to-date
computing techniques
- Computer Information Systems - using software for business
- Computer Science fits in between CSE and IT
- See the range of
courses in a Computer Science major!
- Some History
- Charles Babbage is credited as the father of computer.
Although never actually built, in the 1850's he proposed the computing machines called
Difference Engine (non-programmable - computed only polynomial functions) and
Analytical Engine
(programmable), which possessed the core characteristics of today's computers.
- Ada Lovelace, who wrote demonstration programs for Analytical Engine, is credited as the
first programmer (but was probably about fifth, after Babbage and his three sons).
- The first modern
computer (non-programmable - solved only systems of linear equations) was built by
John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry of Iowa State University, 1937-1942.
- An electromechanical computer
MARK I was built by Howard Aiken of Harvard, 1939-1945.
- The first completely electronic computer
ENIAC I was built by John Mauchly and Prespers Eckert of the University of
Pennsylvania, 1943-1946.
- From Problems to Solutions, via Programming
- Who was the "father of computing"?
- Who was the first programmer?
- What was the name of the first completely electronic computer?
Exam Style Questions
- Given a problem, what steps are used to produce a computed solution?