1. Gather data 1.1 Prompt user for square metres 1.2 Get the value in square metres from the user 2. Perform calculation 2.1 square yards is 1.196 times the square metres 3. Display results 3.1 Display on the monitor the value in square metres 3.2 Display on the monitor the value in square yards
1. Get data 1.1 Prompt for the value representing the pizza's total cost. 1.2 Get the total cost of the pizza from the user 1.3 Prompt for the value representing the pizza's diameter. 1.4 Get the pizza's diameter in inches from the user 2. Perform computation 2.1 Area is 3.14 times radius squared 2.2 Unit cost is total cost divided by area 3. Display the diameter, the total cost, and the unit cost
1. Get information 1.1 get starting balance 1.2 get transaction type 1.3 get transaction amount 2. Perform computations 2.1 if deposit then add transaction amount to balance else subtract transaction amount from balance 2.2 store result in ending balance 3. Display results 3.1 display starting balance 3.2 display transaction 3.2.1 display transaction type 3.2.2 display transaction amount 3.3 display ending balance