Use vi or emacs session to create a file called
ICanDoIt containing commands to do the following (not a script,
just a file for the TA to grade):
- A touch command to create a file called
Help! I've run out of $s (0.25%)
- An ls command that lists all the files (in the
current directory) that start with an alphabetic character,
contain a digit, and end with a dot followed by a lowercase
character then one more character. Use only globbing (no piping
to grep). (0.25%)
- A series of commands that (0.75%)
- In one go, start Ticker 5 in the background and
Ticker 7 in the foreground.
- Suspend Ticker 7
- List the jobs
- Activate Ticker 7 in the background
- Bring Ticker 5 into the foreground
- Suspend Ticker 5
- Kill Ticker 5
- Kill Ticker 7
- A pipeline command from head to tail to
grep, that will extract lines containing Computer
Science course codes as distinct words from the 5th to 12th
lines of this file.
The "CSC" must start with an uppercase "C" but the "SC" may be
written in any combination of uppercase and lowercase.
A correct solution extracts lines numbered 5, 7, 10, and 12. (0.75%)