Write a makefile for the following program: (1.0%)
The makefile must:
- Use the -Wall flag to give all compilation warnings.
- Optimise the final executable with -O6.
- Provide and use definitions for the .c and .o files.
- Use defaults to build the .o files.
- Include a target clean that deletes all the .o files
related to the project.
Use Git and GitHub for the following sequence of actions:
- Create a directory called GitLab
- In that directory create
- Initialize a Git repository in the directory
- Add HelloWorld.c to the repository
- Commit the file
- Create a public GitHub repository called CSC322-GitLab
- Link the Git and GitHub repositories
- Push the initial repository
- Edit HelloWorld.c to "Hello Crool World!"
- Commit and push
- Create a branch called "Happy"
- Switch to the Happy branch
- Push the branch to GitHub
- Edit HelloWorld.c to "Hello Happy World!"
- Commit and push
- Switch to the main branch
- Edit HelloWorld.c to "Hello Very Crool World!"
- Commit and push
- Merge the changes from the Happy branch, to
"Hello Very Happy World!"
- Commit and push
- Edit HelloWorld.c to "Hello Crazy World!"
- Commit and push
Submit the output from "git log --all --graph" from your main
branch, and a screenshot of the network graph from GitHub. (1.0%)