main(t,_,a) char *a; {return!0<t?t<3?main(-79,-13,a+main(-87,1-_, main(-86, 0, a+1 )+a)):1,t<_?main(t+1, _, a ):3,main ( -94, -27+t, a )&&t == 2 ?_<13 ?main ( 2, _+1, "%s %d %d\n" ):9:16:t<0?t<-72?main(_, t,"@n'+,#'/*{}w+/w#cdnr/+,{}r/*de}+,/*{*+,/w{%+,/w#q#n+,/#{l,+,/n{n+\ ,/+#n+,/#;#q#n+,/+k#;*+,/'r :'d*'3,}{w+K w'K:'+}e#';dq#'l q#'+d'K#!/\ +k#;q#'r}eKK#}w'r}eKK{nl]'/#;#q#n'){)#}w'){){nl]'/+#n';d}rw' i;# ){n\ l]!/n{n#'; r{#w'r nc{nl]'/#{l,+'K {rw' iK{;[{nl]'/w#q#\ n'wk nw' iwk{KK{nl]!/w{%'l##w#' i; :{nl]'/*{q#'ld;r'}{nlwb!/*de}'c \ ;;{nl'-{}rw]'/+,}##'*}#nc,',#nw]'/+kd'+e}+;\ #'rdq#w! nr'/ ') }+}{rl#'{n' ')# }'+}##(!!/") :t<-50?_==*a ?putchar(a[31]):main(-65,_,a+1):main((*a == '/')+t,_,a\ +1 ):0<t?main ( 2, 2 , "%s"):*a=='/'||main(0,main(-61,*a, "!ek;dc \ i@bK'(q)-[w]*%n+r3#l,{}:\nuwloca-O;m .vpbks,fxntdCeghiry"),a+1);}
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(void) { printf("Hello, world\n"); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
prompt> gcc Program.c
prompt> gcc -Wall -o Program Program.c
prompt> a.out prompt> Program
while (<condition>) { <statement> }
if (<expression>) { <statement> } else { <statement> }(Style hint ... use compound statements)
int i1; float f1; char name[50]; scanf("%2d %f %*d %2s",&i1,&f1,name)with input 56789 1234 45a72 gives i1=56, f1=789.0 , name="45"
The area of a circle of radius ... units is .... units.
333.3 centimeters is 10 feet 11.2 inches.
322 seconds is equivalent to 2 hours 2 minutes 2 seconds.