Revision Control
Last modified Wednesday, 29-Mar-2023 21:33:15 UTC.
- Configuration Management
- Products of the software development process include product code,
documents, test vectors, test harnesses.
- Throughout the lifecycle, these will change; configuration
management monitors and controls these changes.
- Elements of configuration management include:
- Build control - determining which versions of code are
required to build a product (make, ant, gradle, maven, etc.)
- Revision control - keeping track of various
versions of code and documentation (Git, CVS, SVN, etc.)
- Change control - the procedure by which code and documentation
changes are reviewed, decided upon, incorporated and recorded.
- Release managment - tracking product releases and their
- Reasons for wanting to formalize revision control include:
- Learn from history - we may need to revisit previous
versions of code and documentation to review changes and
validate them;
- Support multiple product versions - not all users want to
upgrade so we still need to support old versions of the code
in addition to the most recent version;
- Support concurrent development - without suitable controls,
multiple programmers working on the same source tree
can overwrite each others' work.
- Versions and Version Numbering Schemes
- After release of a system there are two sources of changes:
- Continuing development causes new internal versions to be
- Defects are detected as the product is used in the field
and fixes for these defects are applied to the release version
of the product.
- Concurrent development continues until it is time to create
a new release of the product.
- The new release incorporates both new features and
functionality that have been generated by ongoing development
and any defect fixes that have been made as part of product
- Some time before the next release, product development and
product maintenance (defect fixes) are suspended while the
development and maintenance lines are merged into a single
pre-release version of the product.
- After successfully creating the pre-release merged version a
new release is created.
- Version numbers are used to identify the various versions
of a product throughout its lifecycle.
- A version numbering scheme determines how version numbers
are generated and assigned.
- Example:
- Uses a major and a minor version number.
- An even major number is assigned to production versions that
are released for general use.
- An odd major version number is assigned to internal
development versions.
- The minor number indicates an incremental change from a
previous version.
- File and module version numbers
- A product might consist of many individual modules each of
which progresses through several versions
- The various versions of the modules are given their own
- Need some way of tracking of the module versions and which
versions of each of the modules are used to make a version
of the product.
- Tracking changes in files
- Creating a new file every time a modification is made is possible,
- Keeping track of the files would be unwieldy for even a
small number of files.
- It would waste space; a one-byte change to every file in
the tree would double the size of the tree.
- A more efficient way is to store the initial version and record
- Or store the most recent version and record undo information.
- To regenerate a previous version of a file, start with the
current version then apply reverse changes until the desired version
is created.
- Example:
- Start with the file
- Modify the file to produce an extended greeting
- Calculate the differences between the two files using
prompt> diff -e HelloWorld.c-1 HelloWorld.c-0 > delta.1
and you get delta.1
printf("Have a most excellent day\n");
printf("Hello world\n");
- delta.1 contains a list of commands which, when
executed by the ed editor will change
HelloWorld.c-1 back into HelloWorld.c-0
- To make ed work as a stream editor, add a line
1,$p to the end of
delta.1, so ed prints out the file after
- Delete HelloWorld.c-0 and generate on demand with
prompt> ed - HelloWorld.c-1 < delta.1
- Synchronization in the presence of concurrency
- A pessimistic protocol forces a programmer to obtain an
explicit lock on the file before it is modified and to
release the lock when the modifications are complete;
only one programmer can ever be modifying a file at any time.
- An optimistic protocol assumes that the likelihood of two
programmers modifying the same file at the same time is
low, so the protocol allows multiple programmers to make
copies of a file and modify the copies as they please.
The protocol detects any conflicts generated by attempts
to place modified files back into the tree and forces
resolution of all conflicts before replacement is allowed.
- Git and GitHub
- Git is a free and open source distributed version control system
designed to handle everything from small to very large projects.
Git runs a repository on your computer.
- GitHub hosting service for software development and version control
using Git.
GitHub runs in the cloud, and stores files from your local Git
- You can run Git alone, or hook it up to a GitHub repository.
- If you don't have Git on your computer, you should
get it.
- If you don't have a GitHub account, you should
make one and
create a personal access token.
Copy your token and save it somewhere safe.
- You can learn to be a
Git pro!
Jack likes
this presentation.
- Basic Git
- Using GitHub
- Tell your local Git to use your access token.
You will have to provide it when you first "push" (see below)
git config --global credential.helper store
Git stores it as plain text in ~/.git-credentials, which is
Better options are available.
Create a repository in GitHub - accept defaults for now.
- Get the repository HTTPS URL from the "Code" button.
- Link the local repository with GitHub
git remote add origin the_github_url
- Push the local repository to GitHub.
This first time you have to provide your GitHub login, and your
access token as the password.
git push -u origin master
master could also be main, depending on your
version of Git.
- At stable points after some commits push again
(note you just "push")
git push
- You can view the commmited code in GitHub.
- You can share your private repository with friends (or the TA).
You can make a repositopry public, if you want the whole world to
see your work (i.e., not for coursework).
- You can clone copy a repository from GitHub to a local computer.
git clone the_github_url
- Git branches
- Branching means you diverge from the main line of development and
continue to do work without messing with that main line.
- Find out your current branch name with
git branch
- Create a branch with
git branch branch_name
- Switch to the branch
git checkout branch_name
- Push the branch to GitHub
git push --set-upstream origin branch_name
- Switch branches and edit as required, commit and push changes
- See the all branches as a tree
git log --all --graph
If you have the repository in GitHub, see it there at under the
Insights tab (or repository_url/network).
- If you forget which branch you are on, ask Git
git status
git log
- Merge another branch's changes into the current branch
git merge other_branch_name
- If the two branches are compatible, the changes are merged.
If the two branches are not compatible you'll get a message, and
you have to edit the affected files, then commit.
- Delete branches you are done with
git branch -d branch_name
- Release managment in GitHub.
Exam Style Questions
- Describe and differentiate between pessimistic and
optimistic protocols for file symchronization.