The Search Problem

In the resolution procedure there are choices to be made

The combination of decisions made for these choices guide the search for a refutation. Given the decisions made, a single resolvant can be generated. Regardless of the search strategy used, some mechanism is required to prevent the same resolution step being repeated. The basis of the ANL Loop (so named, as it was first used in ATP systems developed at Argonne National Laboratory, the most famous of which is now Otter), is to divide the resolvants that can be generated into plys. Each ply contains resolvants that are the same number of resolution steps away from input clauses. Diagramatically, this can be thought of as follows :

where at each iteration one parent is chosen from the cross-hatched area and the other is chosen from the cross-hatched or vertical striped area. The resolvants are put into the blank area, ready for the next iteration. Evidently a duplication free search is being performed.

S1 = { p(b) | r(Y) | p(Y),
       ~p(S) | p(b),
       ~r(c) }

1st ply
p(b) | r(Y) | p(Y) + ~p(S) | p(b) » r(Y) | p(Y) | p(b)
p(b) | r(Y) | p(b)
r(Y) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » r(Y) | p(Y)
p(b) | r(b)
+ ~r(a) » p(b) | p(a)
+ ~r(c) » p(b) | p(c)
~p(S) | p(b) + ~p(b) » ~p(S)
2nd ply
r(Y) | p(Y) | p(b) + ~p(S) | p(b) » r(Y) | p(b) | p(b)
r(Y) | p(Y) | p(b)
r(b) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » r(b) | p(b)
r(Y) | p(Y)
+ ~r(a) » p(a) | p(b)
+ ~r(c) » p(c) | p(b)
+ ~p(S) » r(Y) | p(b)
r(Y) | p(Y)
p(b) | r(Y) | p(b) + ~p(S) | p(b) » r(Y) | p(b) | p(b)
p(b) | r(Y) | p(b)
r(b) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » r(Y) | p(b)
p(b) | r(Y)
+ ~r(a) » p(b) | p(b)
+ ~r(c) » p(b) | p(b)
+ ~p(S) » r(Y) | p(b)
p(b) | r(Y)
r(Y) | p(b) + ~p(S) | p(b) » r(Y) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » r(Y)
+ ~r(a) » p(b)
+ ~r(c) » p(b)
+ ~p(S) » r(Y)
r(Y) | p(Y) + ~p(S) | p(b) » r(Y) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » r(b)
+ ~r(a) » p(a)
+ ~r(c) » p(c)
+ ~p(S) » r(Y)
p(b) | r(b) + ~p(S) | p(b) » r(b) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » r(b)
+ ~p(S) » r(b)
p(b) | p(a) + ~p(S) | p(b) » p(a) | p(b)
p(b) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » p(a)
+ ~p(S) » p(a)
p(b) | p(c) + ~p(S) | p(b) » p(c) | p(b)
p(b) | p(b)
+ ~p(b) » p(c)
+ ~p(S) » p(c)
3rd ply
Lots and lots
p(b) + ~p(b)

Clearly things can get out-of-hand very quickly. The total number of clauses typically grows exponentially with the number of plys. It is necessary to:

The ANL Loop

The ANL loop is a flexible algorithm for controlling the generation of inferred clauses.
Let CanBeUsed = {}
Let ToBeUsed = Input clauses
While Refutation not found && ToBeUsed not empty
    Select the ChosenClause from ToBeUsed
    Move the ChosenClause to CanBeUsed
    Infer all possible clauses using the ChosenClause and other clauses from CanBeUsed.
    Add the inferred clauses to ToBeUsed

Depending on how the ChosenClause is selected from the ToBeUsed set, different search strategies can be implemented.

Example to try with BFS and DFS
S1 = { p(f(X)) | q(Y),
       p(X) | q(d),
       p(f(d)) | ~q(X),
       ~p(f(X)) }

Exam Style Questions

  1. Write out the ANL loop algorithm.
  2. Show the execution of the ANL loop to derive the empty clause from:
    S = { ~r(Y) | ~p(Y),
          p(S) | ~p(b) | ~r(S),
          r(c) } 
    Use any selection strategy you want, and number the chosen clause at each iteration.