The Graph ADT
- The Königsberg bridge problem (HSM Ch.6.1.1, Fig.6.1)
- Graphs
(HSM Ch.6.1)
- Definition (HSM Ch.6.1.2, Fig.6.2-3)
- Applications
- Mimimal cost communication networks
- Project planning
- The travelling salesman
- Natural language processing (Check out
Altavista'a translation page)
- Circuit layouts
- Terminology (HSM Ch.6.1.2, Fig.6.2-5)
- Graphs and digraphs (HSM Fig.6.2)
- Complete graphs (HSM Fig.6.2a)
- Edges in a complete graph = n(n-1)/2
- Incidence, adjacency, degree
- Subgraphs (HSM Fig.6.4)
- Paths, cycles, and trees
- Other types of graphs
- Hypergraphs have edges with multiple ends
- Loops
- Multigraphs
- The Graph ADT (HSM ADT.6.1)
- Graph Representation
(HSM Ch.6.1.3)
- Adjacency matrices (HSM Ch., Fig.6.7)
- Space is O(n2), even taking advantage of symmetry
- Some simple algorithms are O(n), most algorithms are
- Sparse graph algorithms should take at most O(n+e)
- Adjacency lists (HSM Ch., Fig. 6.8)
- Space is O(n+e)
- Some simple algorithms are O(vertex degree), most algorithms
are O(n+e)
- For directed graphs, some simple algorithms become
O(n+e) instead of O(vertex degree)
- Inverted adjacency lists (HSM Fig.6.10)
- For directed graphs, edges incident to are needed
- Adjacency multilists (HSM Ch., Fig.6.12)
- For undirected graphs
- Solve the problem of multiple edge representation
- Space is O(n+e)
- Some simple algorithms are O(vertex degree), most algorithms
are O(n+e)
- Orthogonal adjacency lists (HSM Fig.6.11)
- For directed graphs
- Space is O(n+e)
- Some simple algorithms are O(vertex degree), most algorithms
are O(n+e)
- Weighted edges (HSM Ch.
- Adjacency matrices
- Adjacency lists and variants
- Edge threads
- The LEDA Library
- Graphs: HSM Ch.6.1, exercise 1-2.
- Graph Representation: HSM Ch.6.1, exercise 5-6.
Lab Tasks
Exam Style Questions
- Draw the {adjacency matrix,adjacency list,Inverted adjacency list,
adjacency multilist,orthogonal adjacency list,weighted adjacency matrix}
representation of this graph.
[Picture of some graph, make up your own :-]