Graph Algorithms
- Graph Searches
(HSM Ch.6.2)
- Depth first search (HSM Ch.6.2.1)
- Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.1),
Examples (HSM Fig.6.16),
- Implementation using LEDA
- DFS.cpp
- Run as
DFS <number of nodes>
<number of edges>
- Breadth first search (HSM Ch.6.2.2)
- Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.2),
Examples (HSM Fig.6.16),
- Spanning trees (HSM Ch.6.2.4)
- Connected Components (HSM Ch.6.2.3)
- Definition (HSM p.334)
- Examples (HSM Fig.6.5-6)
- Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.3),
Analysis (HSM p.348)
- Biconnected components (HSM Ch.6.2.5)
- Motivation (HSM p.351),
Example (HSM Fig.6.19)
- Definitions (HSM p.350-2)
- Depth first spanning trees (HMS Fig.6.20)
- Depth First numbers, Lowest Ancestor numbers (HSM Prog.6.4)
- Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.5),
- Implementation using LEDA
- BCComponents.cpp
- Run as
BCComponents <number of nodes>
<number of edges>
- Most interesting results occur when
<number of nodes> ==
<number of edges>
- Minimum Cost Spanning Trees (HSM Ch.6.3)
- Definition (HSM p.356-7)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.22(a))
- Kruskal's Algorithm (HSM Ch.6.3.1)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.22)
- Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.6)
- Implementation
- Sorting the edges (O(elog(e))) and taking in order (O(e))
- Constructing a MIN heap (O(e)) and taking (O(elog(e)))
- Detecting cycles (O(elog(e)))
- Prim's Algorithm (HSM Ch.6.3.2)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.23)
- Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.7),
- Sollin's Algorithm (HSM Ch.6.3.3)
- Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs (HSM Ch.6.4)
- Single source, All destinations, Nonnegative weights (HSM Ch.6.4.1)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.25)
- Motivation for algorithm (HSM p.364-5)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.25)
- Dijkstra's Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.8),
- Another example (HSM Fig.6.26-7)
- Gives an MST rooted at the source
- Single source, All destinations, General weights (HSM Ch.6.4.2)
- No negative weight cycles (HSM Fig.6.29)
- Algorithm fails (HSM Fig 6.28)
- Motivation for algorithm (HSM p.370)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.30)
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.9),
- Example (HSM Fig.6.30)
- All pairs shortest paths (HSM Ch.6.4.3)
- Do single source for each vertex, expensive
- Motivation for algorithm (HSM p.372)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.31)
- Algorithm (HSM Prog.6.10),
- Example (HSM Fig.6.31)
- Transitive Closure (HSM Ch.6.4.4)
- Definition (HSM p.373)
- Example (HSM Fig.6.32)
- Directed graphs
- Use all-pairs shortest paths to compute A+
- Modify to have Boolean rather than numeric entries
- Undirected graphs
- Use connected components to compute A+
- Graph Searches: HSM Ch.6.2, exercise 1-4.
- Connected Components: HSM Ch.6.2, exercise 6.
- Minimum Cost Spanning Trees: HSM Ch.6.3, exercise 3, 5.
- Shortest Paths: HSM Ch.6.4, exercise 5, 7, 10.
- Transitive Closure: HSM Ch.6.4, exercise 19.
Lab Tasks
Exam Style Questions
- Give the algorithm for a {DFS,BFS} of a graph.
- List the nodes visited in the order of a {DFS,BFS} of this graph.
[Picture of some graph, make up your own :-]
- Draw a {DFS,BFS} spanning tree of this graph.
[Picture of some graph, make up your own :-]
- Compute the DFN and LOW values (as used in determining bi-connected
components) of the node of this graph.
[Picture of some graph, make up your own :-]
- Give {Kruskal's,Prim's,Sollin's} algorithm for finding a minimal
cost spanning tree of a graph.
- List the order in which edges of the graph below are added to a
minimal spanning tree, using {Kruskal's,Prim's,Sollin's} algorithm.
[Picture of some graph, make up your own :-]
- Give {Dijkstra's,Bellman-Ford,all-pairs shortest paths} algorithm for
find shortest paths in a graph.
- Show the successive values computed in the the execution of
{Dijkstra's,Bellman-Ford,all-pairs shortest paths} algorithm on
this graph.
[Picture of some graph, make up your own :-]
- Write out the adjacency matrix for the transitive closure of this graph.
[Picture of some graph, make up your own :-]
- What is the asymptotic complexity of the {DFS,BFS,bi-connected components,
Kruskal's,Prim's,Sollin's,Dijkstra's,Bellman-Ford,all-pairs shortest
paths} algorithm?
- Given below is the {DFS,BFS,bi-connected components,
Kruskal's,Prim's,Sollin's,Dijkstra's,Bellman-Ford,all-pairs shortest
paths} algorithm.
[Pretend the algorithm is written out here]
Derive, using using step counts or reasonable explanation, the asymptotic
complexity of this algorithm.