Counting Words

Write a C++ program that reads in words from a file, discarding any strings that do not look like words. The words must be stored in alphabetical order in a linked list, with each node holding the word and a count of the number of occurences of the word. The file name is supplied as a command line argument, and when the file has been read, the words and their occurrence counts are output. You must use the string class in stringclass.h and stringclass.cpp for storing individual words. You must use the linkedlist class in linkedlistclass.h and linkedlistclass.cpp for the linked list. The output should look something like this (this is the output from the answer, but the format is not important):
Cannot(1) Char(1) InputFile(2) MyString(1) ReadWordsFromFile(1) Usage(1) 
Word(3) WordCount(1) a(1) arguments(1) at(2) cerr(2) cout(9) else(5) end(1) 
error(1) file(1) for(1) if(8) ifstream(1) int(4) is(1) larger(1) linked(1) 
list(3) not(1) of(1) open(1) out(1) stopped(2) string(2) struct(1) to(1) 
typedef(1) void(2) while(3) word(1) wordcounter(1)
The output from this file of words is something like this.
